Virus Theater, known for its thought-provoking and emotionally resonant productions, invites audiences on a transformative journey with its latest play, Octopus Heart. This poignant yet playful production explores the depths of human emotions and the transformative power of healing. The compelling story centers around Octavia, a young woman battling the devastating effects of takotsubo syndrome, a medical condition also referred to as broken heart syndrome, and named after a Japanese pot used to catch octopuses.

Set in a hospital during the day and a magical dreamscape at night, Octopus Heart delves into Octavia's journey as she navigates not only her own physical and emotional challenges but also the emotional dynamics of her family, the idiosyncratic hospital staff, and the tender connection she forms with another patient grappling with an immobilizing illness. Seeking solace, Octavia embarks on a fantastical odyssey into a magical nighttime realm, seeking the wisdom of a mystical octopus believed to hold the key to emotional healing for all.

"It's a wacky, silly, and yet moving story" says Teresa Dahl-Bredine, the director of Octopus Heart.

"Through Octavia's journey, we explore universal themes of love, loss, and the profound ways in which we heal and connect with each other." The play was developed during a 9-week creative process, in which Dahl-Bredine guided performers in movement and character development exercises, along with conversations on the themes that emerged as most important to the group, including connection, presence, and the ways our physical selves show up as manifestations of our emotions. As the story emerged, Virus Theater's team of design creatives added in elements of costumes, set design, lighting design, music, sound design, and video projection, to express the magic and depth of the story.

Please join Virus Theater for our one-weekend-only run of Octopus Heart!

The Details:
Octopus Heart, an original play by Virus Theater.

Times and Dates:
Friday, July 26th 7:30pm
Saturday, July 27th 7:30pm
Sunday, July 28th 3:00pm & 7:30pm
Monday, July 29th 7:30pm

Location: El Sol Theater, 406 N Bullard St. Silver City, NM

Running time: approximately 50 minutes

Tickets: $10 adults, $5 students.
Tickets available at the door.

Kids are welcome, but parental guidance is suggested due to language that may not be appropriate for young children.

Email  for more information.

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