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January 17, 2016 - January 23, 2016
January 17, 2016 - January 23, 2016
  • Grant County Administrative Offices Closed For Martin Luther King Day  ::  Legal Notices

    Regular business hours resume Tuesday, Jan. 19. For questions about roads or law enforcement contact the Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority.   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

    Contact  575-388-8840

  • 09:00am - 01:30pm  Alcohol Server Training Class  ::  Education   

    Location  Border Area Mental Health Services

    Contact  Steve May 575-388-4497

  • 09:30am  WNMU Annual Martin Luther King, Jr Celebration  ::  Social Events   

    Location  WNMU Mustang Dining Hall

  • 12:05pm - 01:00pm  New Hope Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  Jerry 575-534-4866 or Matt 575-313-0330 or Diana 575-574-2311

  • 12:15pm - 12:45pm  Laughter Club  ::  Health & Wellness


    Location  Silver City Food Co-op

    Contact  Mary Ann Finn 575-388-0243.

  • 12:15pm - 12:45pm  Laughter Club  ::  Health & Wellness

    Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping.   

    Location  Market Cafe Community Room

    Contact  575-388-0243

  • 01:00pm - 07:00pm  Martin Luther King Day of Service  ::  Social Events

    Compost project and workshop at 1:00 pm; Dancing with Angelica Vega at 2:45 pm; Potluck Dinner at 4:00 pm; "Selma" screening at 4:30 pm.   

    Location  The Volunteer Center

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 07:00pm  Open Mic Night with Peter Dahl-Bredine  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 09:00am - 01:30pm  Alcohol Server Training Class  ::  Education   

    Location  Border Area Mental Health Services

    Contact  Steve May 575-388-4497

  • 09:30am - 12:30pm  Nurse-Managed Foot Care Clinic  ::  Health & Wellness

    First-come, first-served.   

    Location  Silver City Gospel Mission

  • 05:30pm - 06:15pm  Meditation for Everyone  ::  Spiritual

    "The Joy of Gratitude" four-class series. Attend one, some or all. Open to the public, donations accepted.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-9911

  • 07:00pm  Rape Prevention Workshops  ::  Health & Wellness   

    Location  WNMU Global Resource Center


  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Curbside Consulting  ::  Education

    Free help for nonprofits every Wednesday.   

    Location  College Plaza Suite #5

    Contact  Lisa Jimenez 575-574-5473 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 10:30am  Storytime For All Ages  ::  Kids' Activity

    Stories and crafts for kids. Free, no registration.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672

  • 12:00pm  WILL (Western Institute for Lifelong Learning) Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    "Slow Down, You Move Too Fast: Or What You Can See When You Hike if You Slow Down." Bring a sack lunch or just yourself. Free to members and non-members.   

    Location  WNMU Global Resource Center ABC Room

    Contact  575-538-6835 or or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 01:00pm - 03:00pm  Computer Workshop: Microsoft Word  ::  Education

    Free workshop will cover Microsoft Word skills. No registration needed, 14 laptops are available for use.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • 01:00pm  Gin Rummy  ::  Social Events

    Beginners welcome, experts challenged.   

    Location  Yankie Creek Coffee House

    Contact  575-534-9355

  • 04:00pm  Lego Club  ::  Kids' Activity

    Ages 4-10. Free, no registration.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672

  • 05:15pm  Evening Prayers  ::  Spiritual

    Every Wednesday.   

    Location  Holy Trinity Anglican Church

  • 06:00pm  Dane and Edie  ::  Arts & Music

    Nostalgic piano and vocals   

    Location  Diane's Parlor

  • 06:00pm  Spaghetti Night With Byron Trammell  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 06:00pm - 07:00pm  Wednesday Evening Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  Arenas Valley Church of Christ

    Contact  Tom 575-956-8731 or Karen 575-313-7094 or Dot 575-654-1643

  • 06:30pm - 08:30pm  Conversations With a Councilor  ::  Public Meetings

    Open community conversation with Silver City Town Councilor Lynda Aiman-Smith, Town staff and citizens. The theme: "What's the Law? Who You Gonna Call?" Third Floor Meeting Room of the Student Memorial Building.   

    Location  WNMU Student Memorial Center

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575-597-7032

  • 09:00am - 07:00pm  Popcorn Fridays at Silver City Food Co-Op  ::  Social Events

    Sample freshly popped organic corn, along with a selection of other delicious food samples. Come by and see what new food there is to try. You might have a delightful surprise for your tastebuds!    

    Location  Silver City Food Co-op

  • 04:00pm - 05:15pm  Belly Dance with Zoe Wolfe  ::  Arts & Music

    Consecutive Fridays through Valentine's Day. $10 drop-in, $8 with a Lotus Center Class Card.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  Zoe at 575-654-4901 or Lotus Center at 575-388-4647 or

  • 04:00pm - 07:00pm  Makerstate Initiative Workshop: Soap Making and 3D Printing  ::  Kids' Activity

    Ages 7+ will have the opportunity to create their own soaps with 3D printed molds. Limited to 12 participants, tickets will be handed out starting 30 minutes before the event. Free.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672

  • 05:30pm - 06:45pm  Intermediate Hatha Flow with Kelsi Skee  ::  Health & Wellness

    $10 drop-in, $8 with a Lotus Center Class Card.   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • 05:30pm - 06:30pm  Women's Al-Anon Meeting: Women Embracing Recovery  ::  Public Meetings

    A Women's Feelings Meeting   

    Location  La Clinica Health & Birth Center

    Contact  Karen 575-313-7094 or Hosana 575-313-1032

  • 06:00pm  Josh Burke  ::  Arts & Music

    Acoustic Rock and Outlaw Country   

    Location  Diane's Parlor

  • 06:30pm  Farhad Arasteh  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

Content on the Beat

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Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.

NOTE: If an article does not have a byline, it was written by someone not affiliated with the Beat and then sent to the Beat for posting.

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It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to Thanks!

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