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November 20, 2016 - November 26, 2016
November 20, 2016 - November 26, 2016
  • Holiday Season Shopping Event in Rodeo, New Mexico  ::  Rural Roads

    The spectacular San Simon Valley, straddling the Arizona/New Mexico state line 50 miles north of Douglas, AZ features classic bajadas that extend west to the Chiricahua Mountain Range in AZ and east to the Peloncillo Mountain Range in NM. In ...   

    Location  Rodeo, New Mexico

    Contact  For Lodging Information call 575-557-1400

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" (PG-13) 1:00, 4:30 & 8:00 pm.   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 10:00am - 11:00am  "Exploring Covenant, Walking Together, Going Deeper"  ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Claudia Elferdink will the explore challenges of creating a covenant that will live in the hearts of every member of the Fellowship, carrying them into a deeper, more meaningful future. There will be coffee and conversation after the service, ...   

  • 11:00am - 03:00pm  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site Winter Hours  ::  Tours

    For a special group tour or activity call 575.536.3333 at least a week in advance and leave a message.   

    Location  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site

    Contact  575-536-3333

  • 12:00pm  Community Thanksgiving Dinner  ::  Social Events

    Come and enjoy a Thankgiving Dinner sponsored by area businesses. Santa Claus, live music and to-go boxes to take to those who cannot attend (Pease wait unti 3:00pm).    

    Location  Knights of Columbus Hall

  • 02:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Bridget Jones's Baby" (R)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" (PG-13) 4:30 & 8:00 pm.   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • Silver City Woman's Club Scholarships  ::  Education

    Two major Silver City Woman's’ Club Scholarships are available. Due Date: April 4, 2017-No exceptions. Requirements to apply: bio, contact information and transcript.   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  Vera MacGregor 575-534-0505

  • 12:05pm - 01:00pm  New Hope Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    Al Anon Family Groups are for family and friends of alcoholics. This is an Open Meeting of Al-Anon.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  Jerry 575-534-4866 or Diana 575-574-2311

  • 12:15pm - 12:45pm  Laughter Club  ::  Health & Wellness

    Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping.   

    Location  Market Cafe Community Room

    Contact  575-388-0243

  • 04:00pm  Grant Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    The public is invited to attend.   

    Location  Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office

    Contact  575-388-1569

  • 05:00pm - 07:00pm  Beginning Woodcuts With Phillip Parotti  ::  Arts & Music

    $ 40, materials are separate except for wood block. Stop in for supplies list. The 1st Class will cover types of woods that may be used for woodcuts, design ideas, transferring designs from paper to wood block, cutting techniques, safety, ...   

    Location  Leyba and Ingalls Arts

  • 05:30pm  US Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera to Speak  ::  Arts & Music

    The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a cocktail meet and greet on Light Hall Patio, followed by a lecture at 6:30 p.m. Juan Felipe Herrera is the 21st Poet Laureate of the United States (2015-2016) and is the ...   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • 07:00pm  Open Mic Night Hosted by Peter Dahl-Bredine  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" (PG-13) 4:30 & 8:00 pm.   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 09:30am - 11:45am  Nurse-Managed Foot Care Clinic at the Silver City Senior Center  ::  Health & Wellness

    The Silver City Senior Center accepts appointments by calling 388-2545 and ask for Ray. A sign-up sheet is posted on the Medical Office at the Senior Center where patients may also sign-up. Dr. Sherry Bassi is a retired faculty member of ...   

    Location  Silver City Senior Center

    Contact  Ray 575-388-2445

  • 02:30pm - 05:00pm  Chronic Disease Self-Management Program  ::  Health & Wellness

    The weekly workshop sessions will be held from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. each Tuesday from October 11 to November 22. It will be led by certified workshop leaders, Judy O’Loughlin and Mary Ann Finn. Call the Grant County Extension Office ...   

    Location  Grant County Extension Complex

    Contact  575-388-1559

  • 05:30pm - 06:15pm  Dimensions of the Heart: A Sufi Approach  ::  Spiritual

    A new 4-class series with Katherine Feist starts on 11/1 and runs for four consecutive Tuesdays. Attend one, some, or all four classes. Donations accepted.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-4647

  • 06:00pm  Weight Watchers  ::  Health & Wellness


    Location  First Presbyterian Church

  • Annual Silver City Woman's Club See's Candy Fundraiser  ::  Fundraiser

    Sale ends December 2 To order See's Candy or purchase a $5.00 raffle ticket contact Deby at 654.3550 or Susie 538.2047. A basket worth $100 worth of See's Candy will be raffled off on December 2 at 2:00 pm during the ...   

    Contact  Deby 575-654-3550 or Susie 575-538-2047

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" (PG-13) 4:30 & 8:00 pm.   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • United Way Day of Caring Shoebox Project  ::  Fundraiser

    Everyday items most of us take for granted, like toothbrushes, soap, or a comb can make a big difference for someone living in poverty or experiencing homelessness. United Way will collect shoeboxes filled with personal care and basic need items ...   

    Location  Silver City Gospel Mission


  • 10:30am - 11:30am  Chat with State Representative-elect Rebecca Dow  ::  Political

    State Representative-elect Rebecca Dow will be in Silver City to meet with citizens of Grant County about the current concerns. Please come to the northeast door on the rear of Watts Hall. The rest of the doors will be locked due to the ...   

    Location  WNMU Watts Hall

  • 04:00pm - 06:00pm  Gilawriters Meeting  ::  Arts & Music

    The group is open to the public, free of charge. Gilawriters is about letting go and allowing the ideas to flow through your pen/computer and out into the open. It is about enjoying the work of self-expression!   

    Location  Market Cafe Community Room

    Contact or 575-534-0207

  • 06:00pm  Spaghetti Night With Byron Trammell  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 07:00pm  Trivia Night at the Little Toad  ::  Social Events

    Free to play, with prizes for winning teams. Come alone or with a team. A Silver City tradition since 2013.   

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" (PG-13) 1:00, 4:30 & 8:00 pm.   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • Shop Small Saturday in Downtown Silver City  ::  Social Events

    Lots of bargains and discounts. During the day you can pick up a complementary “Shop Small” bag at the Visitor Center at 201 North Hudson. The Visitor Center is a great place to park for downtown shopping with easy access ...   

    Location  Silver City, New Mexico

    Contact  Silver City MainStreet 575-534-1700 or

  • Silver City Public Library Will Be Closed for Thanksgiving Weekend  ::  Legal Notices

    Normal hours are Monday - Thursday, 9:00am to 6:00pm; Friday, 10:00am to 5:00pm and Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • 10:00am - 04:00pm  Holiday Fiber Art Sale  ::  Arts & Music

    The sale is sponsored by the SW Women's Fiber Arts Collective, a non-profit that formerly owned and operated The Common Thread, a popular local gallery of fiber art. All of the items for sale are high quality, and handmade by the ...   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club


  • 11:00am - 03:00pm  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site Winter Hours  ::  Tours

    For a special group tour or activity call 575.536.3333 at least a week in advance and leave a message.   

    Location  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site

    Contact  575-536-3333

  • 06:30pm  Bayou Seco  ::  Arts & Music

    Good Cajun/New Mexican Chilegumbo music. Come and eat and dance and celebrate. No cover charge.   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

    Contact  575-534-0298

  • 07:00pm  26th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade - "Lights, Camera, Christmas"  ::  Social Events

    The parade will start on Broadway and Cooper at 7pm and proceed to Bullard, turn north and end at College Avenue. The parade will begin with the Vietnam Veterans Color Guard, followed by a Silver City Police car. The following ...   

    Location  Silver City, New Mexico

    Contact  Silver City MainStreet 575-534-1700 or

  • 07:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Storks" (PG)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


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