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Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
08:00am Gila Native Plant Society Trip to Cherry Creek :: Tours
Meet at 8 am for carpooling. This is a moderate hike – little elevation gain but some dry stream crossings. Even in this hot period, the moisture near the creek bed should support some interesting riparian plants - and it ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
10:00am - 04:00pm Meet Featured Artists of the Grant County Art Guild :: Arts & Music
Keith Spangle grew up in a National Park Service family in such places as New Mexico, California, and overseas in Jordan and Turkey. Since moving to the Silver City area in 2016, however, he has chosen to move on to ...
Location Hearst Church Gallery
10:00am - 11:00am “Murphy’s Law and Buddha’s First Noble Truth” :: Spiritual
Buddha’s First Noble Truth, dukkha, commonly translated as “suffering,” most contemporary Buddhist scholars now acknowledge it encompasses much more than that. Joni Kay Rose will compare dukkha with Murphy’s Law: The First Noble Truth teaches us to perceive life as ...
10:30am Sunday Morning Breakfast and Service :: Spiritual
Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church serves breakfast Sunday mornings at 10:30am and the Sunday service starts at 11am.
Location Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church
01:00pm - 01:45pm Gila Cliff Dwellings Interpretive Ranger Guided Tours :: Tours
Give yourself enough time to hike the half mile from the trail head to the dwellings in order to be on time for the 1:00 pm start. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, sunscreen and a hat. Bring plenty of water. The ...
Location Gila Cliff Dwellings
Contact 575--536-9461 ext. 31 or rita_
02:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"A Quiet Place" (PG-13)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
03:00pm Bagged Lunches From Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church :: Health & Wellness
The Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church is giving out bagged lunches on Sunday afternoons. They are located by the Big Ditch foot bridge near the Visitor's Center.
Location Silver City Visitor Center
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
05:30am Silver Schools Board Work Session :: Legal Notices
The purpose for the meeting will be to allow the Board opportunity for general discussion and review of pertinent matters that require their attention and direction. The Board may elect to go into executive session pursuant to 10-15-1, H-1 through ...
Location School Administration Building
Contact 575-956-2000
09:00am - 12:00pm Summer Art Camp for Young Artists :: Kids' Activity
Two week camp for ages 6 - 10. They will work with a variety of papers, oil pastels, and color pencil, use their imagination and creativity and develop the valuable skills of observation, focus, and discipline. Individually and in teams. ...
Location Artist Lair Gallery in the Old Elk's Club Ballroom
Contact For Information and Registration:
12:00pm - 01:00pm Zumba Gold :: Health & Wellness
Fun exercise class, based on the successful Zumba ® formula and geared to older adults or those new to exercise. We use rock n roll, classic Latin rhythms and other international music styles to stretch, move and work your muscles. ...
Location Silver City Recreation Center
Contact 575-313-6883 or
12:05pm - 01:00pm New Hope Al-Anon Family Group :: Health & Wellness
Al Anon Family Groups are for family and friends of alcoholics. This is an Open Meeting of Al-Anon.
Location First Presbyterian Church
Contact Jerry 575-534-4866 or Diana 575-574-2311
01:00pm - 01:45pm Laughter Club :: Health & Wellness
Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used, but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping. Free.
Location Lotus Center
Contact Mary Ann Finn 575-388-0243.
04:00pm Grant Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting :: Public Meetings
To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-388-1569 or email grantswcd@zianet.com. The public is welcome to attend.
Location Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office
Contact 575-388-1569 or
06:00pm Silver Schools Board Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
Regular Meeting of the Silver Consolidated Schools Board of Education for the transaction of the following business: approval of minutes and agenda; information/presentations/reports; action items-approval of the consent agenda; future meetings and proposed agenda items; executive session; and such other ...
Location School Administration Building
Contact 575575-956-2000
07:00pm Open Mic with Dustin Hamman :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
10:30am "Indiana Bones" :: Kids' Activity
Indiana Bones, combines history, archeology, paleontology, action, adventure and puppetry with ancient legends, mythology and folklore as he thrills and educates audiences with his unique storytelling abilities.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
01:30pm - 03:30pm Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group :: Arts & Music
The Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group welcomes writers of all levels to participate. All writing is done during the session. There is no charge. Endorsed by the Southwest Festival of the Written Word at www.swwordfiesta.org
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
02:00pm - 04:00pm Children's Movie at the Silver City Public Library :: Kids' Activity
Come enjoy a free PG rated children's movie showing, with free popcorn! No registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
05:30pm - 06:30pm "Living an Unconditioned Life Within a Conditioned World" :: Spiritual
Join Michael Freeman of Southwest Sangha for this special public talk. People of all levels of meditation experience are welcome. Donations accepted.
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-956-6647
05:30pm Weight Watchers :: Health & Wellness
In the Annex.
Location First Presbyterian Church
05:30pm Zumba Fitness in Hurley :: Health & Wellness
Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.
Location Hurley Community Center
06:00pm Pro-Life meeting :: Spiritual
Pro-Life meetings second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. 40 Flury Lane in Arenas Valley. At June meeting, members will discuss their parade float.
Location Pro-Life
06:30pm Silver City Westerners Corral #36 Meeting :: Social Events
Historian Bill Cavaliere will be speaking on "A Photographic Essay of the Apache Surrender." This is a dinner meeting and the cost is $12 for members and $15 for non-members. The public is invited to attend and should make reservations ...
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
Contact Reservations: Mary Margaret Soule 575-538-2888
Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
Grant County Republican Women June Meeting Cancelled :: Political
Grant County Federated Republican Women will not meet on Wednesday, June 20. They have cancelled their luncheon meeting due to other commitments. GCFRW will next meet on Wednesday, July 18, at 11:30 a.m. at WNMU Cafeteria.
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
10:00am - 11:15am Ballet for Adults: Body and Spirit :: Health & Wellness
For more information on the class visit: http://www.lotuscentersc.org/classes-moving-arts/
Location Lotus Center
10:30am - 01:30pm Wednesday Farmers' Market :: Social Events
Midweek farmers' market at Ace Hardware. Lots of fresh produce.
Location Ace Hardware
01:00pm Babytime, Sing and Play :: Kids' Activity
Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
04:00pm - 05:00pm Future Engineers :: Kids' Activity
Creative construction fun with LEGO® bricks, K'NEX®, and Strawbees! This activity is geared toward children ages 6-12. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
06:00pm - 07:00pm Al-Anon Family Group :: Health & Wellness
This is an open meeting.
Location Arenas Valley Church of Christ
Contact 575-313-7891
06:00pm Spaghetti Night With Byron Trammell :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
06:00pm Wednesday Bible Study and Potluck :: Spiritual
Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church has a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30pm , preceded by a potluck supper with Pastor Waldo Winborn at 6pm.
Location Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
10:00am - 11:15am Summer Solstice Celebration and Spiritual Book Sale :: Spiritual
Circles of sound gather around the world on Summer Solstice to weave our sacred sounds and consciousness with the intentions of harmony, acceptance, unity, joy, compassion, love, and appreciation for all living beings of the planet. Hosted by Beatriz Giraldo. ...
Location Lotus Center
Contact www.LotusCenterSC.org
10:30am - 11:30am Little Artist Club :: Kids' Activity
Creative fun for children ages 5 and under! Today's project will be a picture frame. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
10:30am - 11:30am Salvage Art Club :: Kids' Activity
Creative fun for children ages 6 - 12! Today we will be making CD picture frame mosaics. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
12:00pm - 01:00pm “The Casta System in New Spain and New Mexico” :: Education
Dr. Rick Hendricks will deliver a presentation on the tradition of the CastaSystem and imagery in Colonial New Spain and New Mexico. The CastaSystem labeled individuals by their ethnic mixture of Spanish, indigenous, and/or African parentage. Guests are welcome to ...
Location Silver City Museum Annex
Contact 575-538-5921 or www.silvercitymuseum.org or
04:00pm WildWorks :: Kids' Activity
Today we will be making balloon orbs with yarn, glue, and balloons. Robots, electronics, games, crafting, 3D drawing, photo editing and more will be available. Experiment and create! Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
05:30pm Zumba Fitness in Hurley :: Health & Wellness
Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.
Location Hurley Community Center
06:30pm Grant County Search and Rescue :: Public Meetings
We are a professional, all-volunteer team welcoming new members with outdoors skills to assist lost or injured individuals in SW New Mexico. Meeting is on the second floor.
Location Silver City Annex Building
Contact http://gcsar-nm.org/ or 575-538-5706.
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
¡Fiesta Latina! :: Social Events
The mostly free event unites people and celebrates Latin culture through traditional activities, children’s workshops, music and dance performances, a tequila tasting, and, for the first time ever this year, a film and discussion series, designed to give attendees a ...
Location WNMU Old James Stadium
Contact http://fiestalatina.org. or
10:00am - 05:00pm Library Arcade :: Kids' Activity
Teens are invited to hang out with video games, board games, music. At 1:00 we will be making Zombie Snacks and at 2:00 we will be watching a teen movie. Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
01:00pm - 01:45pm Gila Cliff Dwellings Interpretive Ranger Guided Tours :: Tours
Give yourself enough time to hike the half mile from the trail head to the dwellings in order to be on time for the 1:00 pm start. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, sunscreen and a hat. Bring plenty of water. The ...
Location Gila Cliff Dwellings
Contact 575--536-9461 ext. 31 or rita_
02:00pm - 03:30pm Hidalgo County Healthy Eating For Diabetes Class :: Health & Wellness
Presented by Hidalgo Medical Services. Bonnie Stone, Registered Dietitian will teach healthy eating tips for individuals who are living with diabetes.
Location HMS Lordsburg Clinic
Contact Registration and information at 575-597-2430 or 575-542-2319
05:30pm - 06:30pm Women Embracing Recovery Al-Anon Meeting :: Health & Wellness
We-R Group (a Women’s feelings meeting). Park on Ridge Loop; walk around the building to enter via side entrance to lower level. This meeting is limited to female Al-Anon members and prospective members
Location La Clinica Health & Birth Center
Contact 575-313-7891
06:30pm Roger Wendover :: Arts & Music
Roots, Rock, Bluegrass singer/songwriter.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"I Can Only Imagine" (PG)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"The Incredibles 2" (G) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
¡Fiesta Latina! :: Social Events
The mostly free event unites people and celebrates Latin culture through traditional activities, children’s workshops, music and dance performances, a tequila tasting, and, for the first time ever this year, a film and discussion series, designed to give attendees a ...
Location WNMU Old James Stadium
Contact http://fiestalatina.org. or
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Social Events
Fresh local produce, plants, music and fun. Silver City Mainstreet Plaza7th Street between Bullard Street and the Big Ditch.
Location Silver City Farmers Market
09:00am - 10:30am "Tree of Life" Two Part Clay Workshops :: Arts & Music
Registration for each part costs $35 and includes all supplies; registration for both Parts I and II costs $70.Part II will take place during the CLAY Festival Participants will have a chance to make small clay sculptures representing our region’s ...
Location WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporarly Art
Contact fiestalatina.org or 575-538-6469
10:00am - 04:00pm Hearst Church Gallery June 22-24, 2018 :: Arts & Music
David Brink and Keith Spangle featured artists at PInos Alto Hearst Church Gallery of the Grant County Art Guild on Friday, June 22, Saturday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location Hearst Church Gallery
11:30am - 06:00pm Pro-Life Rally :: Political
Grant County Pro-Life volunteers will hold a rally to support the unborn in the right-of-way between the Walmart parking lot and Highway 180. The public is welcome to join pro-life members in waving and smiling. Signs will be provided.
Location Wal-Mart
Contact 575-538-9028
01:00pm - 01:45pm Gila Cliff Dwellings Interpretive Ranger Guided Tours :: Tours
Give yourself enough time to hike the half mile from the trail head to the dwellings in order to be on time for the 1:00 pm start. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, sunscreen and a hat. Bring plenty of water. The ...
Location Gila Cliff Dwellings
Contact 575--536-9461 ext. 31 or rita_
06:30pm Katie Haverly with Ben Nisbet :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"I Can Only Imagine" (PG)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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