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Weekly View

August 19, 2018 - August 25, 2018
August 19, 2018 - August 25, 2018
  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (PG-13) 4:00pm; "Mama Mia! Here We Go Again" (PG-13) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 08:00am  Gila Native Plant Society Trip to Fort Bayard Preserve  ::  Tours

    This will be a relatively flat hike, with perhaps some uneven ground. Free and open to the public. All those interested in participating should meet a little before 8 a.m. in the south parking lot of the Fine Arts Center ...   

    Baileya multiradiata.jpg

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • 10:00am - 11:00am  "Masters of Tradition"  ::  Spiritual

    Ken Keppeler and Jeanie McLerie, recipients of the 2017 Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts, will focus on the music in New Mexico that they have collected for the past 38 years. Come join us for music, stories and ...   

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

  • 10:00am - 04:00pm  Meet the Featured Artists of the Grant County Art Guild  ::  Arts & Music

    This weekend’s Featured Artists are Ruth Hamby (Friday), and Jackie Blurton (Saturday and Sunday). Jackie serves on the board of the Southwest New Mexico Audubon Society where she combines her art and love of birds with her conservation and education efforts.    

    Mesa Kiva.jpg

    Location  Hearst Church Gallery

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 10:30am  Sunday Morning Breakfast and Service  ::  Spiritual

    Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church serves breakfast Sunday mornings at 10:30am and the Sunday service starts at 11am.   

    Location  Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church

  • 01:00pm - 01:45pm  Gila Cliff Dwellings Interpretive Ranger Guided Tours  ::  Tours

    Give yourself enough time to hike the half mile from the trail head to the dwellings in order to be on time for the 1:00 pm start. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, sunscreen and a hat. Bring plenty of water. The ...   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact  575--536-9461 ext. 31 or rita_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 02:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (PG-13)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • 03:00pm  Bagged Lunches From Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church  ::  Health & Wellness

    The Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church is giving out bagged lunches on Sunday afternoons. They are located by the Big Ditch foot bridge near the Visitor's Center.   

    Location  Silver City Visitor Center

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (PG-13) 4:00pm; "Mama Mia! Here We Go Again" (PG-13) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Zumba Gold  ::  Health & Wellness

    Fun exercise class, based on the successful Zumba ® formula and geared to older adults or those new to exercise. We use rock n roll, classic Latin rhythms and other international music styles to stretch, move and work your muscles. ...   

    Location  Silver City Recreation Center

    Contact  575-313-6883 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 12:05pm - 01:00pm  New Hope Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    Al Anon Family Groups are for family and friends of alcoholics. This is an Open Meeting of Al-Anon.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 04:00pm  Grant County Soil & Water Conservation District Board Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-388-1569 or email The public is welcome to attend.   

    Location  Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office

    Contact  575-388-1569 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:00pm - 05:50pm  Girl Scout Registration Nights  ::  Kids' Activity

    Girl Scouts is for all girls entering Kindergarten through 12th grade. Wherever girls live, whatever their circumstances, we help them learn to be safe, think for themselves, and lead the way for others. If you have the time, join our ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-2481 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 06:00pm  Silver Consolidated Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    An agenda for the foregoing meeting may be obtained from the Office of the Superintendent, 2810 N. Swan Street, Silver City, New Mexico, 72 hours prior to the meeting, or online at The Board may elect to go into ...   

    Location  Silver Schools Administration Building


  • 07:00pm  Open Mic with Byron Trammell  ::  Arts & Music

    Live music   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 07:00pm - 09:00pm  Silver Chorale to Begin Rehearsals  ::  Arts & Music

    Those who enjoy singing in parts (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) are invited to come join the choir. Singers of all ages, from 14 on up, are welcome.    

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

    Contact  575-574-5524 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (PG-13) 4:00pm; "Mama Mia! Here We Go Again" (PG-13) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 09:00am - 04:00pm  "The Art of Photography" an Exhibition of Photographs by Kam Zarrabi  ::  Arts & Music

    The exhibit is the work of local resident Kam Zarrabi. It will run until August 31 during MRAC business hours.   

    Location  MRAC Gallery

    Contact  575-538-2505 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 12:00pm - 02:00pm  Silver City Museum Celebration of Volunteers  ::  Social Events

    The Silver City Museum is inviting both current volunteers and folks interested in volunteering to attend. Gifts, prizes, and hors d'oeuvres. The Museum Director, Assistant Curator of History & Exhibitions, and the Museum Education and Program Coordinator will introduce themselves ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum Annex

    Contact  RSVP to Volunteer Coordinator Jo Lutz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (575) 597-0229.

  • 01:30pm - 03:30pm  Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group  ::  Arts & Music

    The Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group welcomes writers of all levels to participate. All writing is done during the session. There is no charge. Endorsed by the Southwest Festival of the Written Word at   

    Location  Murray Ryan Visitor Center

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575-534-0207

  • 05:30pm  Weight Watchers  ::  Health & Wellness

    In the Annex.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

  • 05:30pm  Zumba Fitness in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:00pm - 08:00pm  Community Herb Workshop   ::  Health & Wellness

    $20.00. Michael Cottingham of Voyage Botanica Cottingham presents workshops on a variety of topics related to herbs and their many uses, and conducts the clinics where he consults with individuals and makes recommendations as to which herbal remedies might be ...   

    Location  The Commons

    Contact  575-388-2988 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • 06:30pm  "The Enduring Myth of Billy the Kid" -Topic of the Westerners Meeting  ::  Social Events

    This dinner meeting costs $12.00 per person for members and $15 for non-members. RSVP on or before Sunday, August 19. The speaker, Jim Smith, is a retired high school teacher and educational consultant who has made presentations on teaching history and writing ...   


    Location  Cross Point Assembly of God Church

    Contact  RSVP at 575-538-2888

  • Curbside Consulting  ::  Education

    FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.    

    Location  College Plaza Suite #16

    Contact  575-597-0035 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (PG-13) 4:00pm; "Mama Mia! Here We Go Again" (PG-13) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Medicinal Herb Clinic  ::  Health & Wellness

    $20.00. Michael Cottingham of Voyage Botanica Cottingham presents workshops on a variety of topics related to herbs and their many uses, and conducts the clinics where he consults with individuals and makes recommendations as to which herbal remedies might be ...   

    Location  The Commons

    Contact  575-388-2988 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 10:00am - 11:15am  Ballet for Adults: Body and Spirit  ::  Health & Wellness

    For more information on the class visit:   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • 10:30am  Storytime  ::  Kids' Activity

    Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, movement, and simple crafts. Storytimes are designed for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 10:30am - 01:30pm  Wednesday Farmers' Market  ::  Social Events

    Midweek farmers' market at Ace Hardware. Lots of fresh produce.   

    Location  Ace Hardware

  • 01:00pm  Gin Rummy  ::  Social Events

    Beginners welcome, experts challenged.   

    Location  Tranquil Buzz Coffee House

    Contact  575-534-9355

  • 01:00pm - 05:00pm  Republican Headquarters Open Wednesdays  ::  Political

    Refreshments served. Trump hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers, and tickets for drawings are for sale. Candidate materials and information are also available. We invite voters to stop by and chat. Tickets for the October 6, "Make America Great Again Dinner" are for ...   

    Location  Republican Party Headquarters

  • 04:00pm - 05:00pm  Future Engineers  ::  Kids' Activity

    Creative construction fun with LEGO® bricks, K'NEX®, and Strawbees! This activity is geared toward children ages 6-12. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:30pm - 06:30pm  Girl Scout Registration Nights  ::  Kids' Activity

    Girl Scouts is for all girls entering Kindergarten through 12th grade. Wherever girls live, whatever their circumstances, we help them learn to be safe, think for themselves, and lead the way for others. If you have the time, join our ...   

    Location  Bayard Community Center

    Contact  575-538-2481 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 06:00pm - 07:00pm  Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    This is an open meeting.   

    Location  Arenas Valley Church of Christ

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 06:00pm  Wednesday Bible Study and Potluck  ::  Spiritual

    Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church has a Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30pm , preceded by a potluck supper with Pastor Waldo Winborn at 6pm.   

    Location  Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (PG-13) 4:00pm; "Mama Mia! Here We Go Again" (PG-13) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 10:30am - 11:30pm  Little Artist Club  ::  Kids' Activity

    Creative fun for children ages 5 and under! Today we will make an ocean scene with a cork sailboat. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 04:00pm  WildWorks  ::  Kids' Activity

    Today we will experiment with the Garden Detectives STEM trunk provided by the New Mexico State Library and Explora. Robots, electronics, games, crafting, 3D drawing, photo editing and more will be available. Experiment and create! Ages 10+, free, no registration ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 04:30pm - 05:30pm  You Are Not Alone - Cancer Support Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    Patients: GRMC Board Room; Caregivers: GRMC Chapel A safe, supportive environment for patients and caregivers to share their experience and support with others.   

    Location  Gila Regional Medical Center

    Contact or 575-538-4000

  • 05:30pm - 06:30pm  Girl Scout Registration Nights  ::  Kids' Activity

    Girl Scouts is for all girls entering Kindergarten through 12th grade. Wherever girls live, whatever their circumstances, we help them learn to be safe, think for themselves, and lead the way for others. If you have the time, join our ...   

    Location  Bayard Community Center

    Contact  575-538-2481 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:30pm  Zumba Fitness in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:30pm  Immigration Asylum Forum  ::  Public Meetings

    The speaker will be Melinda Maynard, an attorney with Catholic Social Services of Las Cruces. She deals with people going to the El Paso federal court, which covers all of New Mexico residents. She handles cases that go before the ...   

    Location  Bayard Community Center

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Sorry to Bother You" (R) 4:00pm; "The Equalizer" (R) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 01:00pm - 01:45pm  Gila Cliff Dwellings Interpretive Ranger Guided Tours  ::  Tours

    Give yourself enough time to hike the half mile from the trail head to the dwellings in order to be on time for the 1:00 pm start. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, sunscreen and a hat. Bring plenty of water. The ...   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact  575--536-9461 ext. 31 or rita_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:00pm - 05:50pm  Girls Scout Registration Nights  ::  Kids' Activity

    Girl Scouts is for all girls entering Kindergarten through 12th grade. Wherever girls live, whatever their circumstances, we help them learn to be safe, think for themselves, and lead the way for others. If you have the time, join our ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-2481 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:30pm - 06:30pm  Women Embracing Recovery Al-Anon Meeting  ::  Health & Wellness

    We-R Group (a Women’s feelings meeting). Park on Ridge Loop; walk around the building to enter via side entrance to lower level. This meeting is limited to female Al-Anon members and prospective members   

    Location  La Clinica Health & Birth Center

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 06:30pm  Philippe Holmes  ::  Arts & Music

    Classical & Spanish guitar as well as rock, blues & originals.   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 07:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Ocean's 8" (PG-13)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • Full Moon Hike at Gila Cliff Dwellings  ::  Tours

    This program is limited to 30 participants and reservations are required. It is at night, taking visitors on a tour of the cliff dwellings under moonlight and shows things that are not the standard daytime guided tour. Programs last one ...   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact  Reservations call 575-536-9461

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Sorry to Bother You" (R) 4:00pm; "The Equalizer" (R) 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theatre

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 08:30am - 12:00pm  Silver City Farmers' Market  ::  Social Events

    Fresh local produce, plants, music and fun. Silver City Mainstreet Plaza7th Street between Bullard Street and the Big Ditch.   

    Location  Silver City Farmers Market

  • 09:00am - 06:00pm  Glenwood Street Market  ::  Social Events

    Featuring arts and crafts, and food. New vendors are adding even more variety to the selections.   

    Location  Glenwood, New Mexico

  • 09:00am - 10:00am  Sacred Activism: Meditation for World Healing and Peace  ::  Spiritual

    In each session, we will go into deep relaxation, join our spiritual energies, and use them for healing and blessing in four directions: to ourselves, to those we know in need, to places and situations on the planet in crisis, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 11:00am - 01:30pm  Meet the Candidates BBQ  ::  Political

    The Republican Party of Grant County and the Grant County Federation of Republican Women invite Grant County voters to come, enjoy the day, have lunch, and meet local and statewide candidates.   

    Location  Gough Park

  • 11:00am - 12:30pm  Moths of the Gila Region  ::  Social Events

    Join moth enthusiast Ron Parry for a free presentation! Ron will bring some of his moth collection for a close-up look at these beautiful creatures. Sponsored by the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 11:30am - 01:00pm  Pro-Life Rally  ::  Public Meetings

    Pro-Life Rallies will be held the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month. Location will be between the Walmart parking lot and Hwy 180. Attendance is not required, but everyone is welcome to participate.   

    Location  Wal-Mart

  • 12:00pm - 02:00pm  Silver City Museum Celebration of Volunteers  ::  Social Events

    The Silver City Museum is inviting both current volunteers and folks interested in volunteering to attend. Gifts, prizes, and hors d'oeuvres. Today's celebration offers time with the Volunteer Coordinator & Store Manager, as well as an appearance by the Education ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum Annex

    Contact  RSVP to Volunteer Coordinator Jo Lutz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (575) 597-0229.

  • 01:00pm - 01:45pm  Gila Cliff Dwellings Interpretive Ranger Guided Tours  ::  Tours

    Give yourself enough time to hike the half mile from the trail head to the dwellings in order to be on time for the 1:00 pm start. Wear sturdy shoes or boots, sunscreen and a hat. Bring plenty of water. The ...   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact  575--536-9461 ext. 31 or rita_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 01:30pm - 03:30pm  Family Tree Workshop  ::  Social Events

    Participating youngsters and their families will learn reliable and easily accessible ways to research their own family roots and will create an artistic and accurate depiction of their family tree. Visitors may also use the suggested interactive “room sets” that ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum

    Contact  575-597-0222 or or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 04:00pm - 05:30pm  Frame Drum Workshop  ::  Arts & Music

    Suggested donation $10-$20. The frame drum is one of the world’s oldest percussion instruments. This workshop will be a 90 minute introductory lesson with Lynda Aiman-Smith on the basics: the two ways of holding the drum, the basic strokes (Kah, Dum, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 06:30pm  Rhythm Mystic  ::  Arts & Music

    Live music   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 07:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Ocean's 8" (PG-13)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


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