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Weekly View

April 14, 2019 - April 20, 2019
April 14, 2019 - April 20, 2019
  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Us (R) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 10:00am - 11:00am  – “The Power of a Daily Spiritual Practice”   ::  Spiritual

    Many people have a spiritual practice, but may have problems integrating it into their busy daily routines. Jeff Goin will share some ideas for incorporating our spiritual lives into our daily lives. This is a Family Program Sunday and the ...   

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

  • 01:00pm - 02:30pm  The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism  ::  Spiritual

    Join Joni Kay Rose for this 4-class workshop, to be held four consecutive Sunday afternoons. People off all levels of experience and belief systems are welcome.   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • 02:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "A Madea Family Funeral" (PG-13)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • 02:00pm  Virus Theatre Presents "Marjorie Prime"  ::  Arts & Music

    Tickets $10. "Marjorie Prime" is a contemporary drama by Washington state playwright Jordan Harrison which was a Pulitzer prize finalist in 2015 after it premiered in 2014. The play explores a family in the not-too-distant future as they struggle with ...   

    Location  El Sol Theater


  • 10:00am  NM CAP Entity special meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    New Mexico CAP Entity Special MeetingThe agenda for this Regular Meeting will be available on or before 4:00 pm on April 11, 2019 in the Grant County Manager’s Office located at 1400 Highway 180 East in Silver City, New Mexico. ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

    Contact  Darr Shannon 575-542-9341

  • 11:00am  Laughter Yoga  ::  Health & Wellness

    Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used, but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping. Free.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-0243

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Zumba Gold  ::  Health & Wellness

    Fun exercise class, based on the successful Zumba ® formula and geared to older adults or those new to exercise. We use rock n roll, classic Latin rhythms and other international music styles to stretch, move and work your muscles. ...   

    Location  Silver City Recreation Center

    Contact  575-313-6883 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 12:05pm - 01:00pm  New Hope Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    Al Anon Family Groups are for family and friends of alcoholics. This is an Open Meeting of Al-Anon.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 04:00pm  Grant County Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    The public is welcome to attend.   

    Location  Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office

    Contact  575-388-1569 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 04:00pm - 05:30pm  Short Takes on African History  ::  Education

    Michael Scherer, a student of world history, will share some stories from the long history of the people and lands of Africa. Monday, April 8 will be the first of three sessions. Subsequent sessions will be Monday, April 15 and ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:30pm  Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Work Session   ::  Legal Notices

    The purpose for the meeting will be to allow the Board opportunity for general discussion and review of pertinent matters that require their attention and direction. The Board may elect to go into executive session pursuant to 10-15-1, H-1 through ...   

    Location  Silver Schools Administration Building

    Contact  575-956-2000

  • 06:00pm  Regular Meeting of the Silver Consolidated Schools Board of Education   ::  Legal Notices

    Agenda: approval of minutes and agenda; information/presentations/reports; action items-approval of the consent agenda; future meetings and proposed agenda items; executive session; and such other items as may be included on the regular board meeting agenda. An agenda for the foregoing meeting ...   

    Location  Silver Schools Administration Building

    Contact  575-956-2000

  • 07:00pm  Adult Ballet  ::  Health & Wellness

    Beginning level with career professional ballerina, Sallyann Mulcahy.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 07:00pm  Open Mic with Peter Dahl-Bredine  ::  Arts & Music

    Live music   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • 11:30am - 01:00pm  Copper CowBelles Meeting  ::  Social Events

    11:30 to noon is social time; noon to 1:00pm is the meeting. Copper CowBelles meets the third Tuesday of the month.   

    Location  Grant County Extension Office Conference Room

  • 01:00pm - 03:00pm  Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group  ::  Arts & Music

    The Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group welcomes writers of all levels to participate. All writing is done during the session. Free. Endorsed by the Southwest Festival of the Written Word at www.swwordfiesta.or   

    Location  Silver City Visitor Center

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575-534-0207

  • 01:30pm - 02:30pm  Move Better, Feel Better with Feldenkrais   ::  Health & Wellness

    Feldenkrais classes are innovative, gentle, and very effective to help people move optimally with ease and comfort (and leave pain in the past). Six-class series. Attend one, some, or all six classes. Teacher: Dixie Dexter; cost: $5   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • 03:00pm  Grant County Youth Advisory Committee Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    The meeting is in the conference room. If you are an individual with a disability, who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

    Contact  575-538-2061 or 575-313-7595

  • 04:00pm - 05:00pm  Minecraft Club  ::  Kids' Activity

    Kids ages 6-12 are invited to play and explore collaboratively with Minecraft in a social setting. If you have a Minecraft account, bring your login information. If you do not, the library will provide a log-in for you. Free, no ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:00pm - 06:00pm  Yoga For Veterans  ::  Health & Wellness

    Free (active duty and military families as well). Every Tuesday Beginners level, very gentle. Held at the American Legion Hall. Park in the back and enter from that door. Sponsored by the Lotus Center, a community non-profit yoga studio.   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

  • 05:30pm  Zumba Fitness in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:30pm  Westerners International Meeting  ::  Social Events

    Doug Dinwiddie will be the guest speaker and will talk on, entitled “From the Southwestern Frontier to the Jungles of Asia: One Officer’s Experiences Leading the Buffalo Soldiers”. Dinner is served at the meeting, and the cost is $12 per person ...   

    Location  Cross Point Assembly of God Church

    Contact  For reservations 575-538-2888

  • Curbside Consulting  ::  Education

    FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.    

    Location  College Plaza Suite #16

    Contact  575-597-0035 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Us" (R) 4:00 & 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 10:00am - 11:15am  Ballet for Adults: Body and Spirit  ::  Health & Wellness

    For more information on the class, please visit:   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Literacy Link-Leamos Workshop:How to Apply Online  ::  Education

    Literacy Link - Leamos invites Grant County job seekers and students to attend three job skill building workshops. This workshop is free. Bring a copy of your current resume if you have one. It’s time to put your best foot ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-388-0892

  • 10:30am  Storytime  ::  Kids' Activity

    Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, movement, and simple crafts. Storytimes are designed for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 01:00pm  Babytime, Sing and Play  ::  Kids' Activity

    Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 01:00pm  Gin Rummy  ::  Social Events

    Beginners welcome, experts challenged.   

    Location  Tranquil Buzz Coffee House

    Contact  575-534-9355

  • 01:00pm - 04:00pm  Visit Republican Party of Grant County Headquarters  ::  Political

    Helen and Leif Nordell invite you to stop by and have a cup of coffee. They will be selling Trump hats, 2nd Amendments hats and 2nd Amendment pins. Voter registration is also available.   

    Location  Republican Party Headquarters

    Contact  575-313-2781

  • 04:00pm - 05:00pm  Future Engineers: Make It and Take It  ::  Kids' Activity

    Creative construction and experimenting fun with LEGO® bricks, K'NEX®, Strawbees, and more! This activity is geared toward children ages 6-12. On LEGO® “Make it and Take it” day participants will be allowed to take their creations home, subject to a ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 06:00pm - 07:00pm  Al-Anon Family Group  ::  Health & Wellness

    This is an open meeting.   

    Location  Arenas Valley Church of Christ

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 06:00pm  Spaghetti Night With Byron Trammell  ::  Arts & Music

    Live music   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Us" (R) 4:00 & 7:00pm   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • 09:00am - 06:00pm  Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting  ::  Legal Notices

    AGENDAI. Call to OrderII. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State FlagIII. Approval of Regular Meeting AgendaIV. Elected Officials’ Reports V. Public InputDuring this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and want to hear your concerns. This is ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center


  • 10:30am - 11:30am  Little Artist Club  ::  Kids' Activity

    Little Artist Club offers creative fun for children ages 5 and under! Today we will make spring chicks. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 04:00pm  WildWorks  ::  Kids' Activity

    Today we will decorate eggs. Robots, electronics, games, crafting, 3D drawing, photo editing and more will be available. Experiment and create! Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  Easter Potluck Supper and Service  ::  Spiritual

    Join us for a time of fellowship and worship this Easter. Potluck supper 5-6pm; Service 6-8pm.   

    Location  Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church

  • 05:00pm  TOPS (Take Pounds Off Sensibly) #0288 Chapter Meeting  ::  Health & Wellness

    Starts with weigh in from 5:00 to 5:30 pm and our meeting starts at 5:30 pm. Come meet the members, get tips on getting started and think about joining us to make your life healthy. Use side door.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  505-934-1182 or 303-902-8236

  • 05:30pm  Zumba Fitness in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:00pm  First Presbyterian Church Maundy Thursday Worship  ::  Spiritual

    First Presbyterian Church Holy Week Services.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

  • 07:00pm  Fort Bayard Historic Society Spring Movie Series: "Trains, Rails and Imagination: Hollywood and the Iron Horse"  ::  Arts & Music

    "Breakheart Pass" presented by the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society. Free admission, donations welcome, concessions available.   

    Location  Santa Clara Armory

  • 07:00pm  Maundy Thursday at Good Shepherd  ::  Spiritual

    Foot-washing, Celebration of the Last Supper in Eucharist, Stripping of the Altar.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Captain Marvel" (PG-13) 4:00 & 7:30pm   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • Silver City Public Library to be Closed  ::  Legal Notices

    Regular hours will resume Monday April 22: Monday -Thursday, 9:00am to 6:00pm: Friday, 10:00am to 5:00pm; Saturday, 10:00am to 2:00pm; Closed Sunday.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 08:00am - 01:00pm  Glenwood Street Market  ::  Social Events

    The Glenwood Street Market, is back with a variety of unique arts and crafts, and baked goods, produce and snacks. The market is open from every Friday and Saturday and holidays from approximately 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Highway ...   

    Location  Glenwood, New Mexico

  • 12:00pm  Good Friday Service at Good Shepherd  ::  Spiritual

    Good Friday liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer, Stations of the Cross to follow.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 05:00pm - 08:00pm  Easter Potluck Supper and Service  ::  Spiritual

    Join us for a time of fellowship and worship this Easter. Potluck supper 5-6pm; Service 6-8pm.   

    Location  Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church

  • 05:00pm - 07:00pm  Silver City Community Theatre Presents "A Night of Monologues"  ::  Arts & Music

    Attendees can join SCCT members on the stage or remain in the audience. Participants can prepare a short monologue or a short script will be provided. Sign-up to perform is at 4:30 pm.   

    Location  Tranquil Buzz Coffee House

  • 05:30pm  Good Friday Evening Service at Good Shepherd  ::  Spiritual

    Good Friday liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer with music.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 05:30pm - 06:30pm  Women Embracing Recovery Al-Anon Meeting  ::  Health & Wellness

    We-R Group (a Women’s feelings meeting). Park on Ridge Loop; walk around the building to enter via side entrance to lower level. This meeting is limited to female Al-Anon members and prospective members   

    Location  La Clinica Health & Birth Center

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 06:30pm  Sam Mandan  ::  Arts & Music

    Live music   

    Location  Buckhorn Opera House

  • 07:00pm - 09:00pm  Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    The Dances of Universal Peace are simple meditative and joyous circle dances. They use sacred phrases, chants, movements, and music from the world’s wisdom traditions. It is an event that anyone can participate in, no experience necessary, no need to ...   

    Location  Church of Harmony

    Contact or 575-519-1680 or lynda_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 07:00pm  Gila Native Plant Society Monthly Meeting  ::  Social Events

    “I Bought Native Plants. Now What?”, Hanna Blood will be covering some basics of native plant selection and cultivation for people who want their garden to grow! The meeting is free and open to the public. Refreshments following the program.   

    Location  WNMU Harlan Hall


  • 07:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "The Lego Movie 2" (PG)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • Now Showing at the Silco Theatre  ::  Arts & Music

    "Captain Marvel" (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:30pm   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • Silver City Public Library to be Closed  ::  Legal Notices

    Regular hours will resume Monday April 22: Monday -Thursday, 9:00am to 6:00pm: Friday, 10:00am to 5:00pm; Saturday, 10:00am to 2:00pm; Closed Sunday.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 08:00am - 01:00pm  Glenwood Street Market  ::  Social Events

    The Glenwood Street Market, is back with a variety of unique arts and crafts, and baked goods, produce and snacks. The market is open from every Friday and Saturday and holidays from approximately 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Highway ...   

    Location  Glenwood, New Mexico

  • 08:30am  Weight Watchers  ::  Health & Wellness

    Weigh-in will begin at 8:00am and the meeting begins at 8:30.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Kiwanis Free Easter Egg Hunt  ::  Kids' Activity

    Over 5000 plastic eggs filled with candy along with some special prizes will be available in addition to face painting, create clay art with Diana Ingalls Leyba, Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest, and photos with ...   

    Kiwanis Easter.jpg

    Location  Penny Park

    Contact  575-538-3787

  • 09:15am  Gila Earth Day Monsoon Puppet Parade  ::  Kids' Activity

    Parade participants are encouraged to dress as an animal or plant, or just come as a representative of the human species. Participants should arrive downtown by 9:15 am to form up the line for the short walk. The parade will ...   

    Location  Bullard and 6th Streets

  • 09:30am - 04:00pm  National Park Week at Gila Cliff Dwellings: Junior Ranger Day  ::  Kids' Activity

    Children of all ages are invited to participate in hiking the trail to the dwellings or attend “Living the Life” in the Trailhead parking. Grind corn with a mano & metate, learn to throw an atlatl or paint your own ...   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings


  • 10:00am - 02:00pm  Gila Earth Day Celebration  ::  Social Events

    More than 30 organizations and businesses will showcase their mission, services, or green products for your yard, home, and person. The event will feature live entertainment and educational presentations throughout the day, as well as food and activities for children.   

    Location  Gough Park

  • 12:00pm  Holy Saturday at Good Shepherd  ::  Spiritual

    Holy Saturday liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer. Decoration of Church for Easter to follow.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 01:00pm - 03:00pm  Permaculture Silver City  ::  Education

    Plant of the Month: Pecan - Please share your knowledge, experiences, and ideas about this plant. Discussion Topic: Local sources of nuts for eating - pecan, walnut, almond, pinon, acorn, etc that we can grow & harvest locally. Field Trip: Gough Park ...   

    Location  Silver City Visitor Center

  • 05:30pm  The Great Vigil of Easter at Good Shepherd  ::  Spiritual

    Celebration of Easter in the style of the First Century Church.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 06:30pm  Byron Trammell  ::  Arts & Music

    Live music   

    Location  Buckhorn Opera House

  • 07:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "The Lego Movie 2" (PG)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • 07:30pm  Mimbres Region Arts Council Presents the Bus Tapes in Concert  ::  Arts & Music

    Hailing from Santa Fe, N.M., The Bus Tapes are a “fresh and funky” band comprised of husband and wife duo Heather Tanner on vocals and guitar, Case Tanner on bass. MRAC members, $20, guest tickets, $25. Tickets are available online ...   

    Bus tapes.jpg

    Location  Buckhorn Opera House

    Contact  575-538-2505 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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