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March 15, 2020 - March 21, 2020
March 15, 2020 - March 21, 2020
  • CANCELLED Now Showing at the Silco Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Onward" (PG) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm CANCELLED   

    Location  Silco Theater

    Contact or 575-956-6185

  • Silver City Museum to be Closed Until April 6  ::  Social Events

    The museum is a popular stop for people who are visiting our community from other areas. Due to the large amount of people who have travelled from unknown locations spending time in the Museum the Town feels the best course ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum

  • 10:00am - 11:00am  UUFSC to Cancel Services for the Month of March  ::  Spiritual

    The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City has made the decision that it is best to cancel our service for this Sunday, March 15 due to the CO-VID 19 health alerts, Services for the following Sundays March 22 and March ...   

  • 12:30pm  Ranger Guided Tours at the Gila Cliff Dwellings  ::  Tours

    Rangers will provide 45-minute guided tours of the monument starting at 1 pm. Tours begin at the dwellings, so plan on starting the trail around 12:30 pm to arrive on time. There is no charge for these tours.   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact or call the Gila Visitor Center at 575-536-9461

  • 02:00pm  Movies at the Light Hall Theater  ::  Arts & Music

    "Parasite (2019)" (R)   

    Location  Light Hall Theatre


  • 10:00am  CANCELLED Babytime Sing and Play  ::  Kids' Activity

    Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers. Free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or

  • 11:00am  CANCELLED Laughter Yoga   ::  Health & Wellness

    Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used, but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping. Free.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-0243

  • 11:30am - 12:30pm  CANCELLED Grant County Federated Republican Women Meeting  ::  Political

    GCFRW meeting canceled but Claire Chase, Republican candidate for NM Congressional District 2 will participate in a meet and greet. Republicans and their guests (men and women) are welcome to attend. Sponsored by Billy Billings and Frost McGahey.   

    Location  Silver Bowling Center

  • 12:00pm - 12:55pm  CANCELLED Zumba Gold  ::  Health & Wellness

    Based on the international Zumba Fitness Format, this class is designed for beginners and/or older adults. We use Rock n Roll, Latin and International music to move and have fun. Class suitable for all levels. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. First ...   

    Location  Silver City Recreation Center

    Contact  575-313-6883 or

  • 12:05pm - 01:00pm  New Hope Al-Anon Family Group Will Meet Virtually  ::  Health & Wellness

    The group is using Zoom until the threat of the Coronavirus has passed. The call-in address is The Meeting ID is 389 907 739. Al Anon Family Groups are for family and friends of alcoholics. This is an Open ...   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 02:00pm  CANCELLED Senior Olympics Bowling Competition  ::  Sports

    Competitions at 2:00 and 6:00 pm.   

    Location  Silver Bowling Center

  • 02:30pm  CANCELLED Spring Break Family Movie  ::  Kids' Activity

    Children and family members are invited to the library at the beginning of Silver Schools’ spring break to watch "Detective Pikachu."   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or

  • 04:00pm  Grant Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call575-388-1569 or email The public is welcome to attend.   

    Location  Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office

    Contact  575-388-1569 or

  • 05:45pm  CANCELLED Zumba in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 09:30am - 02:30pm  SUSPENDED AARP Tax-Aide Foundation, Free in-Person Tax Preparation in Silver City  ::  Education

    Suspended until further notice. Make appointment online at or call 575-342-1892 and leave a message.   

    Location  WNMU Watts Hall

  • 10:00am - 10:55am  CANCELLED Tai Chi: 8 Forms   ::  Health & Wellness

    Class suitable for all levels. Based on Yang style Tai Chi to improve balance and strength, Wear loose, comfortable clothing. First class free; thereafter $2.   

    Location  Silver City Recreation Center

    Contact  575-313-6883 or

  • 10:30am  CANCELLED Senior Olympics Bridge Competition  ::  Sports

    Copper Country Senior Olympics   

    Location  Silver City Senior Center

  • 01:00pm - 03:00pm  CANCELLED Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group   ::  Arts & Music

    The Gilawriters Expressive Writing Group welcomes writers of all levels to participate. All writing is done during the session. Free. Endorsed by the Southwest Festival of the Written Word at    

    Location  Murray Ryan Visitor Center

    Contact  575-534-0207 or

  • 04:00pm - 05:00pm  CANCELLED Minecraft Club  ::  Kids' Activity

    Kids ages 6-12 are invited to play and explore collaboratively with Minecraft in a social setting. If you have a Minecraft account, bring your login information. If you do not, the library will provide a log-in for you. Free, no ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or

  • 05:00pm - 07:00pm  CANCELLED Transgender Support Group   ::  Social Events

    Come in side door by parking lot. Open to all people exploring their gender and sexual identity. Partners and family members welcome.   

    Location  SWAG Thrift Shp

    Contact  575-534-7831

  • 05:00pm - 06:00pm  CANCELLED Yoga for Veterans   ::  Health & Wellness

    Free Active duty and military families included. Beginners level, very gentle. Held at the American Legion Hall 409 College Ave. Silver City. Park in the back and enter from that door. Sponsored by the Lotus Center, a community non-profit yoga ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

  • 05:45pm  CANCELLED Zumba in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:00pm  POSTPONED Fifth Annual Wild Rivers Film Tour 2020 Premiere  ::  Arts & Music

    Dear Supporters - Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are postponing all Wild Rivers Film Tour showings in the Southwest until later this year. Refunds to current ticket holders will be issued through Eventbrite. Thank you for your support, stay ...   

    Location  Silco Theater


  • 09:00am - 05:00pm  SUSPENDED AARP Tax-Aide Foundation, Free in-person Tax Preparation in Bayard  ::  Education

    Suspended until further notice. Make appointment online at or call 575-519-5988 and leave a message   

    Location  Bayard Public Library

  • 10:00am - 10:55am  CANCELLED Tai Chi: 8 Forms   ::  Health & Wellness

    Class suitable for all levels. Based on Yang style Tai Chi to improve balance and strength, Wear loose, comfortable clothing. First class free; thereafter $2.   

    Location  Silver City Recreation Center

    Contact  575-313-6883 or

  • 02:00pm - 03:15pm  CANCELLED Spring Equinox Celebration  ::  Spiritual

    Celebrating the first day of spring with the intentions of harmony, acceptance, unity, joy, compassion, love, and appreciation for all living beings of the planet. Bring a drum, rattle, or any other sacred instrument. Open to the public; donations welcome.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • 04:00pm  CANCELLED WildWorks  ::  Kids' Activity

    Experiment and create with robots, electronics, games, crafting, 3D drawing, photo editing and more! Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or

  • 05:00pm  CANCELLED TOPS# 0288 Chapter Meeting  ::  Health & Wellness

    Weigh in from 5:00 to 5:30 pm; meeting starts at 5:30 pm. Come meet the members, get tips on getting started and think about joining us to make your life healthy.   

    Location  First Presbyterian Church

    Contact  505-934-1182 or 303-902-8236

  • 05:45pm  CANCELLED Zumba in Hurley  ::  Health & Wellness

    Zumba Fitness is a moderate-high intensity aerobic fitness class moving to Zumba choreography and inspired Latin music. All classes cost $3/class.   

    Location  Hurley Community Center

  • 06:30pm - 08:30pm  CANCELLED Forum with PRC Commissioner Stephen Fischmann  ::  Public Meetings

    Join Public Regulation Commissioner Steve Fischmann for a look at New Mexico's energy future: everything from renewables to electric cars, energy storage, and amazing new technologies. He will share news about New Mexico's energy future at the legislature and the Public Regulation ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • 10:00am - 04:00pm  CANCELLED Spring Break Library Arcade  ::  Kids' Activity

    Teens are invited to hang out with video games, board games, music. Ages 10+, free, no registration necessary.    

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or

  • 12:30pm  CANCELLED Ranger Guided Tours at the Gila Cliff Dwellings  ::  Tours

    Staff will be available at the dwellings but all guided tours that were previously scheduled are cancelled. Due to the concern over coronavirus, the Gila Visitor Center and Gila Cliff Dwellings Trailhead Museum will be closed until further notice.   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact or call the Gila Visitor Center at 575-536-9461

  • 05:30pm - 06:30pm  Women's Al-Anon Meeting: Women Embracing Recovery Will Meet Virtually  ::  Health & Wellness

    The group is using Zoom until the threat of the Coronavirus has passed. The call-in address is The Meeting ID is 411 858 127. This meeting is limited to female Al-Anon members and prospective members.   

    Location  La Clinica Health & Birth Center

    Contact  575-313-7891

  • 07:00pm  CANCELLED Gila Native Plant Society Monthly Meeting   ::  Social Events

    “Spring Blooms in the Southwest: Not Just Creosote Bush.” Donna Stevens will talk about the anticipation of spring wildflowers in bloom and the various species which can be found in the Gila region. The meeting is free and open to the public. Refreshments ...   

    Location  WNMU Harlan Hall


  • Silver City Recreation Center Closed Until April 6  ::  Social Events

    We understand that when the Public Schools are not in session places such as the Library and Recreation Center are utilized by families in need of a place for their children to spend time. However, the Town wants to proceed ...   

    Location  Silver City Recreation Center

  • Temporary Closure of Fort Bayard Museum and Visitors Center  ::  Tours

    The Fort Bayard Museum, and the Historic Fort Bayard Visitors Center in the Armory building, will be closed until further notice, due to the ongoing health crisis.   

    Location  Fort Bayard Museum

    Contact  575-388-4862

  • 10:00am - 02:00pm  CANCELLED Glenwood Street Market  ::  Social Events

    The Glenwood Street Market is open every Saturday with a variety of unique arts and crafts, and baked goods and snacks. The market is held on Highway 180 in downtown Glenwood.   

    Location  Glenwood, New Mexico

  • 10:00am  CANCELLED Roped In: The History of Rodeo in Grant County and Beyond  ::  Education

    Presented by the Silver City Museum. Don Turner, Sheriff of the Westerners and former owner of the T Box and Easy Bar ranches will speak about how rodeo developed from its roots as an occupational teaching tool to become a popular sport ...   

    Location  Silco Theater

  • 12:30pm  CANCELLED Ranger Guided Tours at the Gila Cliff Dwellings  ::  Tours

    Staff will be available at the dwellings but all guided tours that were previously scheduled are cancelled. Due to the concern over coronavirus, the Gila Visitor Center and Gila Cliff Dwellings Trailhead Museum will be closed until further notice.   

    Location  Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Contact or call the Gila Visitor Center at 575-536-9461

  • 03:00pm - 05:00pm  CANCELLED “Ancient Trails of the Mimbres; Macaws, Cacao, and Pots”, a Talk by Marilyn Markel  ::  Social Events

    WILL BE RESCHEDULED AT A LATER DATE. Come learn about Mimbres pottery, archaeology, trails, trade and cacao. Bring some chocolate to share. The non-profit, Imogen F. Wilson Education Foundation– sponsors the event and will have some chocolate desserts to share. And ...   

    Location  Mimbres Roundup Lodge

    Contact  575-536-9337 or 307-640-3012

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