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Sundays at the First United Methodist Church :: Spiritual
9-10am ‘The Donut Hour’- Coffee and Donut Fellowship10-11am ‘The Worship Hour’11am-noon Lunch and Learn- Free sandwich bar and guest speaker"Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"Come and Explore With Us!
Location First United Methodist Church
10:00am "Eight Years on the Silver City Town Council,” at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City :: Public Meetings
Former Silver City Town Councilwoman Lynda Aiman-Smith will lay out the lessons she learned from her time serving as a local elected official. She will describe what the work of being a Town Councilor actually encompasses - the different challenges ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
01:00pm - 03:00pm Bayard Public Library Summer Program :: Education
The Bayard Library afternoon Summer Program, “Oceans of Possibilities” will be held M-F, June 6 through June 17, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Ms. Raven Rooney will be leading this activity filled program for children ages 5 years and up. Participation is ...
Location Bayard Public Library
Contact (575) 537-6244
10:00am Babytime at the Silver City Public Library :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, rhymes and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers!
Location Silver City Public Library
12:00pm "Estate Planning and Laws," with Will Perkins :: Public Meetings
On June 7, 2022, Will Perkins, Silver City attorney, will speak to the Rotary Club. His topic: Estate Planning and Laws.Perkins is an attorney in Silver City in practice with Lopez and Dietzel. He has been an attorney over 18 ...
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
01:00pm - 03:00pm Bayard Public Library Summer Program :: Education
The Bayard Library afternoon Summer Program, “Oceans of Possibilities” will be held M-F, June 6 through June 17, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Ms. Raven Rooney will be leading this activity filled program for children ages 5 years and up. Participation is ...
Location Bayard Public Library
Contact (575) 537-6244
Wednesdays at the First United Methodist Church :: Spiritual
8-9am Men’s Breakfast10-11am Meditation Group11am-noon Bible Study1-2pm Sanctuary Silent Prayer"Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"Come and Explore With Us!
Location First United Methodist Church
10:00am Storytime at the Silver City Public Library :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, and rhymes for children up to five years of age and their caregivers!
Location Silver City Public Library
01:00pm - 03:00pm Bayard Public Library Summer Program :: Education
The Bayard Library afternoon Summer Program, “Oceans of Possibilities” will be held M-F, June 6 through June 17, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Ms. Raven Rooney will be leading this activity filled program for children ages 5 years and up. Participation is ...
Location Bayard Public Library
Contact (575) 537-6244
01:00pm Gin Rummy at Little Toad :: Social Events
Come play Gin Rummy at Little Toad Creek Brewer and Distillery, 200 N. Bullard St.Silver City, NMImprove your brain, play gin rummy. Beginners welcome, and we would be happy to teach you the game.Call 575-534-9355 for more information
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-534-9355
04:30pm - 06:00pm Grant County Outdoor Recreation and Trails Master Plan Open House :: Public Meetings
Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to participate in one of three Open Houses on Wednesday, June 8 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm at the Round Up Lodge in Mimbres, Thursday, June 9 from 4:30 pm – ...
Location Mimbres Roundup Lodge
05:00pm - 06:00pm The Town of Silver City Trails and Open Space Committee regular meeting :: Public Meetings
The Town of Silver City Trails and Open Space Committee will hold a regular meeting at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, Location: The Downstairs ConferenceRoom, Annex 1203 N. Hudson Street, Silver City, NM 88061 The ...
07:00pm - 09:00pm Trivia at the Toad :: Arts & Music
Come to the Little Toad Brewery for Trivia!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
10:00am - 01:00pm GCAG Annex drop-in Open Studios :: Arts & Music
Drop-in Open Studios are held at the Grant County Art Guild Annex from 10am-1pm every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Bring your current art or craft project and work on it in the company of other creative people. If you don’t ...
Location Grant County Art Guild Annex
01:00pm - 03:00pm Bayard Public Library Summer Program :: Education
The Bayard Library afternoon Summer Program, “Oceans of Possibilities” will be held M-F, June 6 through June 17, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Ms. Raven Rooney will be leading this activity filled program for children ages 5 years and up. Participation is ...
Location Bayard Public Library
Contact (575) 537-6244
04:30pm - 06:00pm Grant County Outdoor Recreation and Trails Master Plan Open House :: Public Meetings
Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to participate in one of three Open Houses on Wednesday, June 8 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm at the Round Up Lodge in Mimbres, Thursday, June 9 from 4:30 pm – ...
Location Grant County Fairgrounds
05:00pm The Dementia Caregiver Support Group :: Public Meetings
The Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group is renaming itself The Dementia Caregiver Support Group. If you are caring for someone with one of the many types of dementia please join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at ...
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
Contact 575-590-1499
05:30pm - 07:00pm Grant County/Silver City Broadband Public Meeting :: Public Meetings
Dianne Lindstrom, Broadband Projects Manager for the Public School Facilities Authority will provide an overview of their projects and efforts to benefit buildout of an affordable broadband system accessible to all residents in New Mexico. We will also hear from ...
08:00pm - 11:00pm Karaoke at the Toad :: Arts & Music
Karaoke at the Little Toad Brewery!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
01:00pm - 03:00pm Bayard Public Library Summer Program :: Education
The Bayard Library afternoon Summer Program, “Oceans of Possibilities” will be held M-F, June 6 through June 17, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Ms. Raven Rooney will be leading this activity filled program for children ages 5 years and up. Participation is ...
Location Bayard Public Library
Contact (575) 537-6244
05:00pm - 07:30pm Grant County Outdoor Recreation and Trails Master Plan Open House :: Public Meetings
Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to participate in one of three Open Houses on Wednesday, June 8 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm at the Round Up Lodge in Mimbres, Thursday, June 9 from 4:30 pm – ...
05:30pm Wild Wild West Rodeo :: Sports
1st New Mexico Bank, Wild Wild West Rodeo, June 10 & 11, 2022.This open rodeo is hosted by the Southwest Horseman's Assoc, and in 2022, the rodeo will be dedicated in the memory of our past Chairman, John Myers.Tickets go ...
09:00pm - 12:00am DJ Mischievous :: Arts & Music
"For when music matters"
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
09:00am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Seasonal local produce, baked goods, fresh tortillas and tamales, grass feed meat, honey, pecans, native plants, and more!Cash, debit, and EBT accepted. Use your EBT card at the market and double your benefits with Double Up Food Bucks!For up-to-date information ...
10:00am - 02:00pm Art + More Popup Art Events :: Arts & Music
Indoor pop up art event at the Grant County Art Guild Gallery Annex!The Annex is located at: 106 E. Market which is directly behind The Grant County Art Guild Gallery at 316 N. Bullard, Silver City. Look for the purple ...
Location Grant County Art Guild Annex
Contact 575-519-9190
10:00am - 11:00am Want to practice your Spanish? :: Social Events
Silver City Library Community RoomJoin others and practice speaking Spanish. This is not a class, so no instruction given. No tests or quizzes, either! Come, gather, speak. Have some fun. All levels welcome! Questions? Liz Mikols, 575-313-6883. Not a SC Library-sponsored ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact Liz Mikols, 575-313-6883
05:30pm Wild Wild West Rodeo :: Sports
1st New Mexico Bank, Wild Wild West Rodeo, June 10 & 11, 2022.This open rodeo is hosted by the Southwest Horseman's Assoc, and in 2022, the rodeo will be dedicated in the memory of our past Chairman, John Myers.Tickets go ...
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