We're giving our staff a break this week; we won't be sending a newsletter again until Sunday's Calendar mailing. We wish you and yours safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving!
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08:30am Board of Regents of Western New Mexico University regular meeting :: Public Meetings
The Board of Regents of Western New Mexico University will meet on Friday, April 28, 2023 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in Executive Session at the Serna Conference Room located in the Castorena Administration Building. The Board will later convene in ...
10:00am - 06:00pm "Through the Lens of Arturo Flores," at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City :: Public Meetings
Javier Marrufo, Curator of the Silver City Museum, will talk about an exhibit which is currently on display at the Museum. It features Arturo Flores, a self-taught photographer who documented the Empire Zinc Mine Strike in Hanover, New Mexico.Flores's photographs, captured ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
02:30pm - 03:30pm Silver City Scenius (community writing group) :: Arts & Music
Collaborative community writing group hosted by Francesca Regina. Beginners and all ages welcome (young children must be chaperoned).This is an open group that meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 2:30-3:30pm and then is followed by the open mic at ...
Location SWAG Thrift Shp
03:00pm - 04:30pm A Sunday Afternoon Recital :: Arts & Music
Sunday, April 23 at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 7th & Texas Streets in downtown Silver City, at 3pm-4:30pm with reception to follow. The series, this being the 3rd one, for 2022-2023 season, is called “A Sunday Afternoon ...
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
04:00pm Silver City Scenius (open mic) :: Arts & Music
Open mic for all ages (young children must be chaperoned). Writers, musicians, orators, actors, and other performance artists welcome. No microphone or electric plug-ins. Artists are responsible for their own instruments and setup within time allowed. Groups and bands are ...
Location SWAG Thrift Shp
Free Library Card Replacement Days :: Social Events
The Silver City Public Library will have free library card replacement days on Saturday, April 22 and Monday, April 24, 2023. If you have lost your card, the free card replacement days are a great time to regain access to ...
Location Silver City Public Library
05:45pm - 08:00pm Improv Workout: Agreement :: Arts & Music
If you've always wanted to be a performer, writer, or creator, improv is a great way to stretch your creative muscles. Each class will focus on different topics appropriate for all levels. All games and exercises will be explained and ...
Location SC Starlight Theatre
09:00am Grant County Commission special meeting :: Public Meetings
The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Special Meeting on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center located at 1400 Highway ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
10:15am - 11:05am 8 Forms Tai Chi :: Health & Wellness
Join Liz Mikols on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Silver City Recreation Center for a simplified form of Tai Chi to improve balance, strength and flexibility in older adults. Chairs available. Dress comfortably. First class free; thereafter $2.
Location Silver City Recreation Center
Contact Liz Mikols 575-313-6883
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary Assembly :: Public Meetings
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Rotary will have a club assembly. In addition, Karen Beckenbach, President of the Grant County Concert Association will make a brief presentation to the Rotary Club to talk about the free concert on May 21, 2023, ...
Location Silver Bowling Center
04:00pm - 06:00pm Minecraft at the Silver City Public Library :: Kids' Activity
Join us for Minecraft at the Silver City Public Library. Ages 8+
Location Silver City Public Library
05:00pm Silver City Council work session :: Public Meetings
The Town of Silver City Council will hold its Work Session Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 5 p.m. at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Hwy. 180 East, Silver City, New Mexico. The public is invited to ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
06:00pm Town of Silver City regular meeting :: Public Meetings
The Town of Silver City Council will hold its Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Hwy. 180 East, Silver City, New Mexico. The public is invited to ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
01:00pm Gin Rummy at Little Toad :: Social Events
Come play Gin Rummy at Little Toad Creek Brewer and Distillery, 200 N. Bullard St.Silver City, NMImprove your brain, play gin rummy. Beginners welcome, and we would be happy to teach you the game.Call 575-534-9355 for more information
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-534-9355
02:00pm Cemetery Board of the Town of Silver City :: Public Meetings
The Cemetery Board of the Town of Silver City will hold a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will be at the Public Works Department Administrative Office at 610 E. 8th St., Silver City, ...
Location Public Works Department Administrative Office
02:30pm - 03:30pm Classic Gentle Yoga :: Health & Wellness
This class consists of yoga poses for posture improvement, flexibility and mental and physical relaxation. Suitable for all ages. Bring your mat and any props you use. Led by Colleen Stinar, a yoga instructor for decades with training from many ...
Location Church of Harmony
Contact Colleen Stinar 575 574 5451
06:00pm - 08:00pm WNMU presents "Peace" Art Show :: Arts & Music
Free Entry!"Peace" Art Show hosted by First United Methodist Church of Silver City
Location First United Methodist Church
09:00am GRMC Governing Board Regular Meeting :: Public Meetings
The Gila Regional Medical Center Governing Board will convene in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center located at 1400 ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
10:30am SWNMCOG regular meeting :: Public Meetings
The Regular Meeting of the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments will be held Thursday, April 27, 2023, 10:30 a.m. in-person at the Silver City Town Annex, 1203 N Hudson, Silver City, New Mexico or on Zoom at;https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84012812406?pwd=eVNNb1h2VHRuTFpoOWxxY0lqakx2Zz09 Meeting ID: 840 ...
Location City Hall Annex
04:00pm - 05:30pm Life Cafe Discussion :: Health & Wellness
What does a peaceful, dignified death, a "good death" look like for you? How can facing death help us live more fully each day? What would you do differently if you learned that you had just six months to live? ...
Location Silver City Public Library
04:00pm - 05:30pm Life Café :: Health & Wellness
There will be a Life Café to discuss death at the Silver City Public Library, facilitated by certified death doula Lisa Jimenez. The Life Cafe will explore topics including: New Mexico’s Aid in Dying Act; advance directives and other planning ...
Location Silver City Public Library
05:00pm Hurley Council Budget Workshop :: Public Meetings
The Council of the Town of Hurley will hold a Workshop on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss Fiscal Year 2024 Budget at 302 Carrasco Avenue in Hurley, New Mexico. This meeting is open to the public and ...
Location Hurley Community Center
05:00pm - 06:15pm Silver City TOPS #0288 Meeting :: Health & Wellness
SILVER CITY TOPS #0288 Meets on Thursday at the American Legion, 409 W. College. Weigh in from 5 to 5:30 and Meeting/Program at 5:30-6:15. We are a support group during your weight loss journey. For more information call Judith Stanfield ...
Location American Legion Post 18
Contact Judith Stanfield 505-934-1339
05:00pm The Dementia Caregiver Support Group :: Public Meetings
The Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group is renaming itself The Dementia Caregiver Support Group. If you are caring for someone with one of the many types of dementia please join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at ...
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
Contact 575-590-1499
03:30pm - 04:30pm April Craft with the SC Public Library and the SWNM Seed Library :: Kids' Activity
The Silver City Public Library in conjunction with the Southwest New Mexico Seed Library, are excited to announce our April craft on Friday from 3:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. Children will have the opportunity to paint a pot and ...
Location Silver City Public Library
07:00pm - 08:00pm Ditch-Speare, presented by Silver City Community Theatre :: Arts & Music
Enjoy an hour of Shakespearean verse, music, and monologues. Free, or pay what you will (we will pass a hat.) Bring a chair or blanket, be prepared to get comfortable outside.714 N Bullard St, Silver City, NM 88061, In the Big ...
Location Big Ditch Park
08:00am - 11:00am Grant County Cloud Busters weekly meeting :: Social Events
Grant County Cloud Busters meets weekly at Fort Bayard Radio Control Airfield each Saturday, weather permitting at 8:30am. Radio Control Aircraft, Heli and Quads welcome. Academy of Model Aeronautics sanctioned club.
Contact John Capshaw at
02:00pm - 03:00pm Ditch-Speare, presented by Silver City Community Theatre :: Arts & Music
Enjoy an hour of Shakespearean verse, music, and monologues. Free, or pay what you will (we will pass a hat.) Bring a chair or blanket, be prepared to get comfortable outside.714 N Bullard St, Silver City, NM 88061, In the Big ...
Location Big Ditch Park
07:00pm - 08:00pm Ditch-Speare, presented by Silver City Community Theatre :: Arts & Music
Enjoy an hour of Shakespearean verse, music, and monologues. Free, or pay what you will (we will pass a hat.) Bring a chair or blanket, be prepared to get comfortable outside.714 N Bullard St, Silver City, NM 88061, In the Big ...
Location Big Ditch Park
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