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10:00am - 04:00pm Kingston Museum Grand Opening :: Social Events
See flyerhttps://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83769-kingston-museum-grand-opening
10:00am Unitarian Universalist Fellowship American Hospitals: Healing A Broken System :: Public Meetings
This video addresses the issues of justice, equity, and compassion, since we all deserve to receive good healthcare; and advances the idea that we shouldn't have a two-tiered system for the haves and the have nots. Our current system is ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
11:00am - 03:00pm Mimbres Culture Heritage Site collecting items for re-sale :: Fundraiser
The Mimbres Culture Heritage Site in Mimbres, NM . . . will be collecting items for re-sale for our Annual Yard Sale & Fund Raising event. May 11 – 12, 2024 Saturday & Sunday 9 am – 3 pmPlease donate ...
02:00pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Kayla Von der Heide Contemporary Country :: Arts & Music
American singer Kayla Von Der Heide is a rising star in the Country music industry. Her deep voice and appealing stage presence stand out in the scene of modern country music because she gives the genre a new viewpoint and ...
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
03:00pm Silver Chorale :: Arts & Music
Silver Chorale, a community mixed choir, is winding up rehearsals for this spring semester’s concerts coming soon. Friday, May 3, the chorale will perform at Terrazas Funeral Chapel at 7pm in Santa Clara at 1 Ft. Bayard Road, and Sunday, ...
11:45am Cliff Elementary School will perform a short program :: Education
Some of the elementary classes from the Cliff School will perform a short program on Monday, May 6 at 11:45 at the Gila Senior Center. The public is invited.
Location Gila Senior Center
09:00am Grant County Board of Commissioners Work Session Meeting :: Legal Notices
The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Work Session Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061. The agenda for ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
09:00am - 09:50am Tai Chi (Modified) class :: Health & Wellness
Liz Mikols teaches a simplified form of Tai Chi, as modified by Dr. Fuzhong Li. This evidence-based exercise improves balance, flexibility, strength and resistance to falls. Chairs provided for those who need to rest during class. Some exercises done seated. All welcome; no ...
Location WNMU Alumni Garden
12:00pm - 01:00pm Diana Ingalls Leyba to speak to Rotary :: Public Meetings
Diana Ingalls Leyba will speak to the Rotary Club of Silver City. Her subject will be the Silver City building murals project. Diana Ingalls Leyba Studio & Gallery is located in the Historic Arts & Culture District of Silver City. ...
Location HMS Conference Room
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - :: Kids' Activity
Come program and build robots. We have three new ones to try! Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83620-may-events-from-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
06:00pm Grant County Republican Party Meeting :: Political
Please join us: Monthly Meeting for school, city and county news. Also on the agenda will be 2024 candidate updates.Full news release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83904-grant-county-republican-party-meeting-may-7-2024
Location Republican Party Headquarters
03:45pm - 05:00pm Classic Gentle Yoga Class with Colleen Stinar :: Health & Wellness
This class consists of yoga poses for posture improvement, flexibility and mental and physical relaxation. Suitable for all ages. Bring your mat and any props you use. Led by Colleen Stinar, a yoga instructorfor decades with training from many traditions. ...
Location Church of Harmony
Contact Colleen Stinar 575 574 5451
04:00pm Silver City Public Library Community Advisory Group :: Legal Notices
The Silver City Public Library Community Advisory Group will hold a regular meeting on at the Public Library, 515 W, College Ave., Silver City, New Mexico 88061. Public may participate villa ZoomFull press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/83979-sc-public-library-community-advisory-group-may-8-2024
Location Silver City Public Library
04:30pm - 06:00pm ALCS Hosts Internship Showcase :: Education
Attending the Internship Showcase is a great way to learn about this award-winning school and about educational programs that prepare students for future careers. Students have worked with Youth Conservation Corps (YCC): water harvesting, eco-monitoring, mural, garden, and trail crews. ...
Location Aldo Leopold High School
07:00pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Mariee Siou Folk/ Storyteller :: Arts & Music
Mariee Siou, now based in Portland, Oregon, is an abstract story teller of the natural world via a form of deep emotive folk music ushered by her clever wordsmithing and sharp ethereal voice .Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83617-whiskey-creek-zocalo-may-2024-events
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
09:00am Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Regular Meeting . The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center located at 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061. The ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
09:00am - 09:50am Tai Chi (Modified) class :: Health & Wellness
Liz Mikols teaches a simplified form of Tai Chi, as modified by Dr. Fuzhong Li. This evidence-based exercise improves balance, flexibility, strength and resistance to falls. Chairs provided for those who need to rest during class. Some exercises done seated. All welcome; no ...
Location WNMU Alumni Garden
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - LEGOS :: Kids' Activity
Calling all future engineers. Come play with LEGO. Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83620-may-events-from-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
05:15pm - 06:25pm TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensible) :: Public Meetings
Meets on Thursdays - Weigh in: 5:15 to 5:30 PM - Meeting: 5:30 to 6:25 PMTOPS is a support group for your journey to a healthier life style. Meets at the American Legion on College Ave. Enter through the rear ...
Location American Legion Post 18
Contact Judith Stanfield at 505 934-1339
10:00am - 12:00pm San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District :: Legal Notices
San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting AgendaFire Training Center, Reserve, NMFull notice:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/84118-san-francisco-soil-and-water-conservation-district-may-10th-2024
Location Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM
06:00pm Ceramics Are in Focus at the McCray’s Studio 118 Exhibition :: Arts & Music
The Studio 118 Exhibition will be at the WNMU. May 10-15. An opening reception will be held on May 10 beginning at 6:00 p.m. The artists will be giving talks about their work at 6:30 p.m.Full story:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/community-news/84114-ceramics-are-in-focus-at-the-mccray-s-studio-118-exhibition
Location WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporarly Art
06:00pm McCray Gallery to Feature Studio 118 Exhibition :: Arts & Music
The WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporary Art and the Expressive Arts Department will present an exhibition of recent ceramics by two post-baccalaureate students, Hugh Remar and Allyson George, and BFA student, Victoria Prejean. The opening reception for the exhibit ...
Location WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporarly Art
07:00pm Hi Lo Silvers Spring Concert :: Arts & Music
Please join the Hi Lo Silvers at their Spring Concert. Concert will be in the First Presbyterian Church, 1915 N. Swan Street in Silver City. Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83905-hi-lo-silvers-spring-concerts
Location First Presbyterian Church
08:30am Fight Like A Girl Fundraiser :: Fundraiser
Event will take place at Fort Bayard with many activities. See local news releasehttps://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/84040-fight-like-a-girl-fundraiser-may-11-2024
10:00am - 03:00pm Friends Of Clay Annual Sale :: Arts & Music
FRIENDS OF CLAY Annual Sale - Ceramic pieces donated by artists and collectors alike. Proceeds to benefit the WNMU Ceramics Department.Text Ed Ludwig, 575-956-3977 for further details.
Location Murray Hotel
10:00am - 02:00pm Friends of the Library Book Sale :: Fundraiser
See full news release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83941-friends-of-the-library-book-sale-may-11-2024
01:00pm Silver City Public Library - Family movie :: Kids' Activity
Come watch a family movie with us. This one is about friendship and adventure. Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83620-may-events-from-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
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