Santa Fe, NM — Tonight, the Senate debated Senate Bill 318. This deceptive measure creates a loophole in our state's unfair practices law which would allow trial attorneys to exploit frivolous claims for monetary gain. Despite Senate Republicans' efforts, SB 318 passed by a (21-18) vote.

Senate Republican Leader Bill Sharer issued the following statement in response:

"This is totally on-brand for New Mexico Democrats: change the rules so trial attorneys can abuse the system for their own personal gain. We see this bill for exactly what it is and highlighted that for the people of New Mexico during our debate tonight. While we push out our state's doctors, law enforcement officers, and higher education graduates, trial attorneys flourish while Democrat lawmakers game the system for only their benefit. In exchange, trial attorneys donate to their campaigns to keep the sham going right under our noses. This is disgraceful and calls into question the ethics of the lawmakers pushing this legislation."