SANTA FE, NM—Today, New Mexico House Republicans held a press conference to explain their Joint Resolution that would create a Constitutional Amendment aimed to reign in executive emergency powers. If passed, an emergency order issued by the Governor would terminate after 90 days unless the Governor calls the Legislature back into special session to address the circumstances of the emergency, requiring a 3/5ths vote of the Legislature to extend, restrict, or suspend the emergency. Without action by the Legislature, an emergency order would expire after 90 days.

House Republican Leader Ryan Lane stated, “This is not a political issue. This is meant to provide proper checks and balances for the executive branch by the Legislature, making sure that elected representatives of the people are weighing in on executive orders that affect millions of New Mexicans.”

A common theme among Republican Members was reminding New Mexicans of the extensive COVID lockdowns that decimated our economy and barred kids from attending school, which will have negative lifetime affects on an entire generation of New Mexico kids. Rep. Rod Montoya said, “When we were seeing small improvements in education, we threw all that out the window and caused avoidable harm to our students, who may never catch up or recover.”  

Discussing the economic impacts, Rep. Jason Harper stated, “We still feel the effects of out-of-control inflation at the grocery store and at the gas pump, causing devastating financial stress for families struggling to pay their rent or mortgages and put food on the table.” Rep. Gail Armstrong followed, discussing the impact on businesses. “New Mexico business owners were put in an impossible situation. The attack on the business community throughout the state shattered the American Dream for so many New Mexicans who were forced to close their doors forever,” said Rep. Armstrong.

Rep. Cathrynn Brown added, “People of faith were targeted, and places of worship were forced to close their doors. So many people in my district rely on church or temple for communion, hope, and even regular meals. It was a violation of the First Amendment right to assemble, and we must debate the authority of a unilateral executive.”

The Joint Resolution would restore the balance of power between the executive and Legislature to ensure a single person doesn’t have the sole, unfettered power to determine whether an emergency exists and how long that emergency exists. The Joint Resolution has been referred to House Government, Election, and Indian Affairs Committee, but has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.

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