This category will include items sent to the Beat from the 2024 NM Legislative session. 

House Passes Bill to Require Identification of AI-Generated Campaign Materials

Legislation would require transparency regarding the use of AI in political advertisements

Santa Fe, N.M. -  Tonight, the House of Representatives passed HB 182, which would improve transparency and regulate the use of artificial intelligence in election campaigns, by a vote of 38-28. 

House Bill 182 would require a disclaimer for materially-deceptive media generated by artificial intelligence (AI), often referred to as a “deep fake,” when it is used in campaign or election-related material. The notice must be clearly and conspicuously displayed to indicate any manipulated media used in web, print, radio, or televised political materials.  

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House Sends Firearm Waiting Period Bill to Governor

House votes to accept Senate’s amendments to House Bill 129

Santa Fe, N.M. - Today, the House of Representatives approved Senate changes to House Bill 129 by a vote of 36-32 in a legislative process known as concurrence, whereby amendments made by the Senate must be voted on by the House before it can head to the Governor for a signature. 

HB 129 would institute a 7-day waiting period between when an individual purchases and takes ownership of a firearm. This would help reduce gun violence, including suicides and mass shootings, by giving law enforcement more time to run background checks.

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Senator Greg Nibert Issues Statement on Fentanyl Awareness Memorial

SANTA FE—Today, the Senate Rules Committee advanced Senate Memorial 7 with unanimous, bipartisan support. The memorial requests that the Public Education Department declare the week of October 14 through October 18, 2024, as "Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Week." 

Senator Greg Nibert (R-Roswell), a member of the Senate Rules Committee, issued the following statement regarding the memorial:

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House Passes Bill to Prevent Veteran Suicide

New program would raise awareness for healthcare resources and programs
available to veterans and service members

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, the House of Representatives passed House Bill 298, which would establish the Service Members and Veterans Suicide Prevention Program. 

This new program would aim to reduce suicide deaths among New Mexico’s service members and veterans by raising awareness of the issue and improving access to suicide prevention, behavioral health, and mental health resources.

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Governor signs bill increasing judicial salaries

SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Saturday signed House Bill 141 to increase salaries for New Mexico judges. 

“I am pleased to be able to assist the Legislature in making this a reality,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham.“Through this bill, we are investing in our current and future workforce.” 

“We appreciate the support of the governor and the Legislature for this investment in state courts to meet the legal needs of New Mexicans. Improved judicial salaries will help attract mid-career lawyers with a diverse legal background to serve as state court judges,” said Supreme Court Chief Justice C. Shannon Bacon. “The governor leaves a lasting legacy for all New Mexicans by signing this legislation to recruit and retain the most qualified, experienced legal professionals as judges on New Mexico courts.”

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House Passes Bill to Ensure Oil & Gas Industry Pays Fair Share

 for State’s Mineral Resources
Legislation would bring oil and gas royalty rates to market value, providing millions more for public schools, universities, and hospitals

Santa Fe, N.M. - House Bill 48, which would bring New Mexico’s oil and gas royalty rates in line with current market values, passed the House of Representatives today by a vote of 39-28. 

House Bill 48 would apply to lease rates for new oil and gas tracts purchased from the State Land Office, so that these rates are in line with the fair market value for New Mexico’s mineral rights. This rate change would also supply additional funding for critical public services that are made through the Land Grant Permanent Fund. 

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NM House Democrats Block Legislation To Protect Vulnerable Children


SANTA FE, NM – With less than a week to go in this year’s legislative session, the state agency that is responsible for protecting New Mexico’s most vulnerable children will not be receiving the help it needs, even though the Secretary of Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) said that the department needs immediate reform if they are going to remediate the major policy and departmental issues that have resulted in painful tragedies across the state. 

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Senator Greg Nibert, Senator Steven McCutcheon Denounce

Senator Greg Nibert, Senator Steven McCutcheon Denounce the Passage of Senate Bill 204

Bill will ban lawful carry of firearms in public parks

SANTA FE—Today, Democrats on the Senate Health and Human Services Committee advanced Senate Bill 204 on a party-line vote of 5-2. Senator Greg Nibert (R-Roswell) and Senator Steven McCutcheon (R-Carlsbad) voted against the measure. The bill attempts to legitimize Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s unconstitutional gun ban imposed through a public health order several months ago. 

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