Santa Fe, NM — Today, the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) held a press conference to announce their FY26 Budget recommendation to be considered by lawmakers in the upcoming legislative session. Senator Pat Woods (R-Broadview), a member of LFC and Senate Finance Committee has issued the following statement in response:

"As the Legislature is being asked to consider another record-setting budget, I see many places that these dollars could be better spent. Instead of reducing the burden on taxpayers and businesses, this recommendation expands our bureaucracy, in turn creating a bigger burden on the next generations of New Mexicans. While every line-item has its own significance, simply throwing money at the problems has not generated positive outcomes." The Senator continued, "We need defined goals that can be measured to see if we improve government services. We must demand that these expenditures are targeted in achieving their purpose and that there is a true return on the public's investment."