Santa Fe, NM — In an evening Senate floor session, Democrats voted to pass the Senate Judiciary Committee Substitute for Senate Bills 21 and 22. This legislation represents a state takeover of federal water quality permitting processes in New Mexico. Senate Republicans led the charge to amend several of the bills' most troublesome provisions. The adopted floor amendments prevent government overreach on New Mexican citizens, businesses, and local governments. Even with these changes, Republicans remained steadfast in their opposition to this clear attempt to frustrate the current federal administration.

In response to the passage of SB 21 and 22, Senator Candy Ezzell (R- Roswell) has issued the following statement:

"While this terrible bill looks a whole lot better than it did when it was originally presented to us, it remains unnecessary and severely undermines the authority of local governments." The Senator further explained, "This is clearly another attempt by Democrats to 'Trump proof' our state in anticipation of impending federal policies. Furthermore, I have little faith in the Environmental Department's ability to manage this significant increase in responsibility. My Republican colleagues and I remain skeptical of this expansion of state government and the likely negative impacts it will have on landowners, ranchers, farmers, and businesses throughout our state. While the rest of the nation is reducing regulations and easing the permitting process, the 'californication' of New Mexico continues."