SANTA FE – Senator Crystal Brantley (R-Elephant Butte) today celebrated the passage of Senate Bill 11 from the Senate Floor with a vote of 29-8. The bill, dubbed the "Anti Distraction Policy in Schools," asks school districts to implement anti-distraction policies to limit the use of cell phones during instructional time. For districts that choose to implement a policy associated with new technology (such as magnetic bags or lockers), the bill allocates funds for a grant program to be administered by the Public Education Department so districts can recoup any costs they incur.

"Parents and teachers everywhere understand why this bill is necessary," said Senator Brantley. "We learn more every day about the harm incurred by our kids due to unfettered cellphone access—not the least of which is difficulty concentrating during school."

During debate, an Albuquerque Senator asked whether school districts with a current anti-distraction policy could benefit from this bill. Despite many districts having an existing policy, studies have shown 97% of students used their phones during school hours for an average of 43 minutes per day. Additionally, 72% of teachers agree cell phones are a major classroom distraction.

"This policy is a hand up to teachers who have been asked to take on innumerable roles in addition to teaching. Our teachers don't want to be the phone police; this policy asks for districts to implement a definitive and even-handed anti-distraction policy with modern tools to set up our teachers and students for success. We are seeing promising results from Arkansas and other leaders who have taken this step forward and I'm proud to see New Mexico on our way to join them," added Senator Brantley.