Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy

Janey Katz, the founder of the 30Something group, which now boasts 92 members, invited members and friends to the annual awards ceremony, held Sunday afternoon, June 23, 2024.

The Commons hosted the event, offering finger foods catered by Tiffany Lindsey.

Katz started off the ceremony giving a bit of background on how she had founded the organization to raise money for local non-profits. The members each donate $1,000 a year, and they vote on which non-profits will receive the awards.

This year, the group raised enough to give three $30,000 awards to three different organizations.

Iris Nolasco, The Commons director, noted a new facility had opened about three weeks ago with a new food offering. Instead of food recipients receiving a box of food, it gives community members a chance to "shop" in a grocery store-like setting to choose food they know they will use and eat. She said it also gives the recipients a chance to get to know one another and expand their community contacts.

The first award went to Nan Franzblau and Carol Ann Fugagli of The New Earth Project, under the umbrella of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance. Fugagli said the first step in the project had started in the schools with students gathering food waste and composting it. The next step will involve soil improvement so that people can grow their own produce.

The Center for Sustainability at the Bear Mountain Lodge received the next award. Diana Ingalls Leyba and Linda Brewer, co-owner of Bear Mountain Lodge, received the award. The project plans a bird sanctuary, with benches in the shape of birds, for people to enjoy the bird wildlife of the area.

Katz also introduced Peggy Hutchinson, David del Junco, Trish Kirchoff and Christine Rickman, who agreed to be part of the committee to help choose the awardees.

The third award went to The Virus Theater, which Katz noted had received the very first award given out by 30Something. Recipients included Jessa Tumposky and Kristen Warnack. Tumposky and Warnack talked about the changes to come to the El Sol Theater where the performances happen. They will be putting in a new back door that helps the characters go from one side of the stage to another. "And we're going to put in 130 red plush comfortable seats." They plan to also fix holes in the ceiling.

They announced a new original play that so far does not yet have a title, but the performances will take place July 24-30.

Attendees took advantage of the homemade food and visited with friends in the garden of The Commons.


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