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Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy

Friday, May 17, 2024, brought about 40 people to the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center to rededicate the building to the veterans, for which it is named.

img 1106VFW members Frank Arias and Raymond Bejarano served as color guard.

Joe Drake, American Legion Allingham-Golding Post 18 commander, led the attendees in "The Star-Spangled Banner" and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce Director Romeo Cruz, who also serves as the manager of the center, thanked Grant County for renaming the center, which when first renovated from a former Walmart building was simply called the Grant County Business and Conference Center.

American Legion Post 18 former commander Ray Davis presented some of the history of the renaming.

"It all started with a conversation among veterans, some of whom are no longer here," Davis said. He said they decided among themselves to seek a renaming of the conference center to serve as a memorial to veterans. "We wrote letters, and I went to Drew Dix, a local Medal of Honor winner, and asked him to also write a letter supporting this effort."

img 1107Davis presented the idea to the Grant County Commission members at a meeting. "I was pleased when they voted on it at that meeting and all agreed that the building should be renamed."

The name was put inside the building, where the group gathered to rededicate the building. However, the outside lettering had remained for years with the original name.

Recently, the county replaced the old name with the new name on the outside wall, and now the facility on the inside and the outside reflects the full Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center title.

"We have gathered here today to honor our family members, our heroes, our brave veterans both past and present," Cruz said. "There is no way to thank you for the personal sacrifices that your and your families have made."

Raul Turrieta, who has worked at the county for 44 years, said he joined the Navy when he was 17 years old. I did a complete world tour in my three years of service. Today I honor all the veterans here." He said the Legislature had approved an increase in the veterans' exemption on property tax from $4,000 up to $10,000. "We thank you for serving this wonderful country we live in."

County Commission Chair Chris Ponce also thanked all the veterans for their service, "especially now with Memorial Day coming up. I also thank Romeo Cruz for managing this building. We are trying to make it the pride of Grant County to honor our veterans. The county also has Bataan Memorial Park, which we continue to upgrade. This year, we received funding to install sidewalks and lights at the Forgotten Veterans Memorial at the park and potentially build a building just for veterans to use for meetings "

The veterans in attendance at the rededication included World War II Veteran 101-year-old Bill Harrison, an American Legion member.

Other veterans included American Legion members Davis, Tim John Sterle and John Hoagland; Gaffney-Oglesby Marine Corps League chapter 1328 members Joe Drake and Dean Bearup; American Legion Riders Tim Maxon, Rusty Keller, Roger Wright and Cipriano Ogas; Coast Guard veteran Tim McLane; VFW members Frank Arias and Raymond Bejarano, who served as color guard; and Navy veteran Turrieta.

[Editor's Note: Apologies if this author did not get the names of all the veterans present or if the armed service or organization is incorrect. Please notify for corrections.]

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