Article and video by Martha Hamblen

It's the World's First Designated Wilderness. Say that again - The Word's first designated Wilderness. The amazing and majestic Gila Wilderness turns 100 years old this week and it's right in your backyard.

The Gila Wilderness is almost 800,000 acres of mountains, forest, canyons, rocks, creeks, lakes and historical archeological sites. As many in New Mexico and Grant County already know, it's beyond comprehension in its beauty, breadth and historical value.

The main parts of the Gila Wilderness Centennial Celebration took place over the past week, May 29-June 3, the actual date of origin,  with special events planned throughout the year. The events feature a myriad of programs such as art installations, speaker forums, guided group hikes, birding classes, and plenty of volunteer opportunities. For a look at the official events calendar go to: U.S. Forest Service - Gila 100 Event Calendar.

Another major aspect of the centennial celebration is honoring the man who facilitated the Gila Wilderness federal designation: Aldo Leopold. Leopold was a New Mexico Forest Supervisor when he began the difficult process of asking the government to set aside this precious resource. The landmark designation was finally approved in 1924. Leopold is an internationally known environmentalist and land conservation advocate and writer.

Aldo Leopold was definitely in the house at the speaker series Friday at the Silco Theater in Silver City. Obviously, he wasn't actually there, but his dedicated fans were - some wearing Leopold T-shirts others carrying his books (almost as if they were going to a book-signing), plus, the Aldo Leopold Foundation organized the event.

The speaker event on Friday at the Silco Theater on Friday was called, "A Century of Wilderness." It emphasized the need to continue the work of Leopold and other notable conservators and to remain vigilant against detractors who may not have the same goals for land conservation as Leopold did. (All of the presentations were streamed live and recorded, if you'd like to listen to them go to

One of the speakers Friday was Melissa Green, from the Gila Back Country Horsemen. Green is the Trail Project Coordinator. Green organizes the workers who maintain and build the almost 1500 miles of trails in the Gila National Forest. She directs volunteers and staff for the ongoing (and never ending) variety of trail maintenance projects.

One fact you might find interesting is that no motorized equipment is allowed in the Wilderness area - so, no ATVs, chain saws, generators and so forth. Everyone rides horses, or hikes to get to the work sites. So, If you'd like to put down your chainsaw and practice on a cross-cut saw this may be your chance. (Green says with a smile, it's not as difficult as you might think.) To volunteer for trail maintenance go to Gila Trails Info/volunteer trail projects.

Work on the trails may seem like routine business, but another important aspect is knowing what the public wants from their Wilderness adventures. Evaluating, listening and implementing those ideas is tantamount to Green's work. For example, creating spaces for reflection and solitude; it wouldn't seem like trail planning but it is. Green strongly believes having places of solitude where people can unwind, renew and quiet the noise in their heads is exactly what we all need. She believes the construction of loop trails has been helpful in providing these spaces. (See video below.)

Conservation, Environmental and Wilderness Advocacy are all action words. The Gila Wilderness Centennial Celebration is a "Call to Action." This Wilderness invites you to actively be there in this gorgeous, rugged, wild and majestic setting. The Gila Wilderness has been here for thousands - millions of years. This century mark designation for the Gila Wilderness is a very small but significant way of of  recognizing and celebrating her as the precious resource she is.

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