These unofficial Primary election results are from the 39 precincts in Grant County, fully reported, as of 8:50 p.m.on June 4, 2024. They are unofficial results, until certified by the county commissioners at a later date.

President of the United States-Democrat

Joseph R. Biden                              2379
Marianne D. Williamson                 243
Uncommitted Delegate                  254

President of the United States- Republican

Chris Christie                                      26
Nikki Haley                                          92
Vivek Ramaswamy                            12              
Donald J. Trump                            1200
Uncommitted Delegate                   30

President of the United States -Libertarian

Lars Mapstead                                   3
Uncommitted Delegate                    8

United States Senator - Democrat

Martin Heinrich                            2645

United States Senator - Republican

Nella Louise Domenici               1150

United States Representative District 20-Democrat

Gabriel Vasquez                            2368

United States Representative District 20-Republican

Yvette Herrell                               1230

State Senator-Democrat - District 28

Siah Correa Hemphill                 2151

State Senator-Republican-District 28

Gabriel J. Ramos                           888

State Senator-Republican-District 35

Crystal Diamond Brantley          251

State Representative- Democrat-District 39

Gilbert Diaz Guadiana                  561
Gabrielle Begay                           2260

State Representative- Republican-District 39

Luis M. Terrazas                         1277

District Attorney-Democrat- 6th Judicial District

Michael R. Renteria                    2309

District Attorney-Republican- 6th Judicial District

Norman R. Wheeler                   1184

Magistrate Judge- Democrat-Grant Division 1

Matt Runnels                              1890
Patrick W. Snedeker                    944

County Clerk-Democrat- Grant

Randy J. Hernandez                  1044
Connie Holguin                          1769

County Treasurer-Democrat- Grant

Patrick M. Cohn Jr.                     2617

County Commissioner- Grant District 3-Democrat

Nancy Lee Stephens                  607

County Commissioner- Grant District 4-Democrat

Barbara Jean Bush                      521

County Commissioner- Grant District 4-Republican

Eddie M. Flores                           355

County Commissioner- Grant District 5-Democrat

Phillip Williamson Schoenberg    440

County Commissioner- Grant District 5-Republican

Thomas L. Shelley                          211

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