By Lynn Janes

The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a regular meeting on June 24, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, David Terrazas, Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia. Superintendent Michael Koury also attended. Gilbert Guadiana didn't attend.

The board discussed the necessity for lease purchase of education technology. This would be for computers. Kaeley Weimerskirsh, RBC Capital Markets, joined the meeting online to explain the history of their assessed bond valuation. She said property values had stabilized so she would be able to give them a conservative idea of future income. She went over their current outstanding debt of $4.6 million and that they had a capacity of $8.2 million. Begay asked her if they could do a special election. Weimerskirsh said it would be very tight to do it now. You can only do a special election 70 days before or 70 days after a regular election. Frank Ryan, finance director, said tonight would just be to see what they would need to do.

Weimerskirsh said that the regular election for the schools to address the general obligation (GO) bond can only be done on odd years without a charge. The next one will be next year, 2025. A special election the district would have to pay $1.50 - $3.00 per voter and that would be dependent on the clerk's office to set the fee.

Ryan said they had brough this forward because of wanting to build a new school.

Koury said, "We always want things quickly and we want this for our students. We want the best facility for them." He said he hated to see them spend $25,000 or more for the special election. They had done one several years back and it failed at the cost of $25,000. The cost would probably be a lot more now to do the special election. Terrazas said in six years the cost would probably increase considerably. Koury said, "It is a gamble." The board decided to table the discussion.

The board approved the bills. Begay said they had reviewed the bills in the finance committee.

The board approved the initial budget for transportation for the summer reading program.

The board and administration office had not received any comments concerning NMSBA policy advisories, so the board approved the policy.

The board approved policy B-1700 agenda revision. This had to do with public input and two different ones, agenda items and items of concern. The board and administration had not received any comments from the public.

Public input none currently.

Begay said the finance committee had met and approved all the bills. They talked about the transportation budget and GO bond for the new high school. They will go over the salary schedule and stipends at the next finance committee meeting.

Board member reports

Hardin said she had attended the Exceptional Rodeo and had enjoyed it.

Begay thanked the staff and central office for all their hard work. "I know the central office has been really busy."

Terrazas said he had taken a donation to the district's parent center. "It is doing well and moving along. It is an amazing thing for our district to provide." They had installed the washer and dryer and Koury said it would be finished soon.

Superintendents report

Koury wanted to set up the July board retreat. It would only be about 2-3 hours. He wanted to lay out future board meetings and review the strategic plan. They decided on July 24, 2024, at 5:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned.

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