By Lynn Janes

The town of Bayard held a regular meeting August 26, 2024. Attendance included Mayor John L. Ojinaga, Mayor Pro Tem Eloy Medina, Councilors Frances Gonzales and Eloy Gonzales. Gilbert Ortiz didn't attend. Martha Salas, city clerk/treasurer also attended.

Consent agenda

The council approved the consent agenda that included minutes, reports and accounts payable. The consent agenda also included two trainings for Salas and Tanya Ortiz, deputy clerk, to attend. One would provide certifications needed by both and the other would provide them the current updates in state requirements.

New business

The council approved whatever the city needed to do for the Cobre High School homecoming parade. Hector Carrillo, police chief, said the department would be ready to assist.

Norm Wheeler introduced himself to the council. He will run for the district attorney in the Sixth Judicial District that includes Grant, Hildalgo and Luna Counties. "I appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and would like to take any questions or concerns you might have." Instead of going over his qualifications he handed them a document that outlined all his experience. It included his positions held in Espanola and Las Cruces. New Mexico has the highest crime in the country. "We can do better." Wheeler said, "The district attorney is the chief law enforcement officer of the district. It is not the sheriff or the chief of police. Prosecution is decided by the district attorney." No matter how well a report has been done if the district attorney does not move forward on it, the perpetrator will not be prosecuted. He spoke about the "catch and release" term. The district attorney will be the only one to stop the catch and release process. The district attorney needs to file the documents to stop the release.

He had watched what had been going on in the district and knew he needed to come back and run for the district attorney position. The problem has just become worse. "We can turn it around." He asked if anyone had questions. "Safety of a community is not a political decision. It is not democrat or republican. Safety is a community concern." Wheeler said if elected he would have regular meetings and invite the public to attend. The district attorney needs a working relationship with law enforcement. He had spoken to all the departments in all three counties except for one. All have been having problems that also affect the social welfare programs.

Ojinaga asked him what he would do for Bayard. "We don't have an attorney to represent misdemeanor crimes." Wheeler said the district attorney must do some but has discretion on others. Budget would be part of that decision, but he hoped to have an attorney assigned to Bayard. "I will do my best." Wheeler pointed out that they used to have six attorneys for the district but the current district attorney at times had only one attorney.

Frances Gonzales said, "I have concerns, last time you covered up for Francesca Estevez and a couple of murder charges had to be dropped because you failed to follow through." She continued with the victim's rights office. "I had to step in and take over a domestic violence case because your people dropped the ball."

Wheeler asked who had covered up for Estevez. Frances Gonzales said, "You were in charge.". Wheeler said he had been third in charge and had not been aware of any cover up. "I understand you do not like that I am not running as a democrat." Frances Gonzales said, "I could care less." Wheeler told her she could call any time, and they could discuss it further. Ojinaga told them they could discuss it later.

Eloy Gonzales wished Wheeler good luck with the campaign.

The council approved new software for the city that Salas had recommended after some discussion about it. Salas provided two quotes from Caselle, government software. This software would do everything they needed and have it in one program. Currently they have numerous software, and, on many things, they have to reinput information into other software to get the reports or function needed. It requires multiple steps and adds time when it could all be in one place. All information needed would be readily available right away and not have to wait until something such as payroll or billing has been input from a report on other software.

Salas said they could buy it outright at a very high cost for the software and appropriate servers ($20,000), which would be a considerable cost. The host cost would be $2,247 a month and be split out between the departments. "It will help us be more accurate and quicker. She had used it in Lordsburg, and Santa Clara uses the software.

Medina asked if they could use the same computers, they have now with hosting the software and Salas said yes. Frances Gonzales said she knew court systems that used the software.

Salas said a man from the future focused education program said he represented both Cobre High School and Silver High School. The program is looking for jobs for seniors so they can work 2-3 hours a day. Salas thought of the library. The city would not have to pay their wage. Priscilla Lucero, Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments director, said they would be using the public education innovation zone funding to pay the senior students. The council approved the program.

Action for personal

The council approved the completion of the introductory period for Gary Arellano, wastewater operator, with a $1.04 an hour raise.

The council approved the hiring of Danielle Parra for assistand librarian at $14.75 an hour for 30 hours a week. They had received three applicants, and she had been the best qualified.

The council went into closed session to discuss real property and water rights.

The council came back into open session and said no action had taken place.

Department head reports.

Salas said the budget had been turned in and approved by the state.

Carrillo said they had received a $15,000 grant from Freeport McMoRan to purchase new handheld radios and car radios. The department has still been helping with the schools

Robert Terrazas, wastewater director, said he had been working with Trumm, and he would like to have another engineer look at a power problem. Salas said she wanted to address a previous question Frances Gonzales had about the funding for the wastewater treatment plant. Lucero went over the process and the different places the funding would come from. They should have received some information and said they would need to call Representative Gabe Vasquez's office and see what had happened.

Michale Paez, maintenance director, provided the council with a list of projects and the updates. The million-gallon tank project would start in September 2024 and be done by January 2025. They would use Colonias funding to do the Oak Street lift station improvements. The community center roof had been finished and the final walkthrough would take place August 28, 2024. They had closed out the highway 356 sidewalk improvements. In July and August, they had been made aware of an erosion problem with that project. The drive pads had been done incorrectly and caused the flooding. Stantec and the contractor will be redoing as soon as they can have the work permits signed by all the owners of the property again.

The next regular meeting will be held September 9, 2024
