By Lynn Janes
[Author's Note. This article had to be written using the minutes from the city of Bayard due to technical problems.]
The town of Bayard held a regular meeting September 9, 2024. Attendance included Mayor John L. Ojinaga, Pro Tem Eloy Medina, councilors, Eloy Gonzales and Gilbert Ortiz. Frances Gonzales didn't attend. Martha Salas, city clerk/treasurer also attended.
Public Input
Rosemary Arciero a resident of Bayard that resides on McKee Street addressed the council with a complaint about the neighbor's dogs. The dogs continue to bark, and she would like something done about the issue.
Cordell Jones had a question for the council. He wanted to know what has been done with the funds provided by Freeport McMoRan. He also wants the city to start requiring property owners to clean up their property.
Consent agenda
The council approved the consent agenda that included minutes and accounts payable.
New business
Ben Rasmussen, Frontier Food Hub director, made a presentation to the council about planting a garden and building a greenhouse on the empty lot next to the police department. Elysha Montoya, community liaison for Frontier Food Hub and Rasmussen explained their plans and provided a document with the plans. Medina thought it would be a good idea but wanted to know who would be responsible and liable and wanted a contract. It will be on the next agenda.
The council discussed the city's stand on residents using travel trailers as permanent dwellings. They discussed the matter, but no action took place.
The council approved the replacement of light poles in Santa Clara.
The council went into closed session to discuss personnel matters for a police department employee.
The council came back into open session.
Action items resulting from closed session
The council approved the purchase of land from Foy Inc. Carney Foy, president of Foy Inc. came before the council and offered the city 675 acers of land for purchase. The land extends to Santa Clara and will be on both sides of the highway. With the purchase of this property Bayard will double in size and have control of the growth. Priscilla Lucero, Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments director, said she would help with the funding and help the city in the purchase. She added it will be a very good opportunity for Bayard.
Resolutions and ordinances
The council approved resolution No. 16-2024 authorizing the submission of the application to the New Mexico Finance Authority for financial assistance and project approval.
The council approved the resignation of the police officer.
Department head reports.
Robert Terrazas, wastewater director, said everything had been running well. They have been sending the water over to the cemetery to water everything. He has also just been waiting for the funding to do some to the repairs needed.
Michael Paez, maintenance director, said the million gallon tank project will be in progress through the beginning of January 2025.
Hector Carrillo, police chief, said they have still been helping at the schools. He has been aware of the problem on McKee Street but will be working with the codes to solve the issue. Although the department has been shorthanded, they have been working hard.
Andrew Gonzales, fire chief, said they had finished all the fire training for the month.
Chuck Gray, beautification committee chair, said they would have a bingo on September 29, 2024.
Salas said the community center would open this week, and they could begin renting it again. She added the library would be reopening September 16, 2024.
Mayor and councilors reports
Medina reminded everyone that the fun run would be that weekend and invited everyone to attend.
The next regular meeting will be held September 23, 2024