By Mary Alice Murphy

I have learned today that at least two people have NOT received the mail-only ballots for the school bond election. If two contacted the Beat, I suspect that many more have not received their ballots.

If you are a registered voter, you should have received the mail-only ballot sometime last week, if you live in the Silver Consolidated Schools Districts.

However, according to the Grant County Clerk's Office, if you have not received your ballot, yours may be in the inactive pile, which includes the ballots that were returned due to inaccurate addresses.

In any case, whatever the reason, call the Grant County Clerk's Office at 575-574-0042 to inquire about the status of your ballot.

You may have to go into the office at 1400 Highway 180 East and identify yourself and retrieve your ballot, because time is running out to return it by mail in time for the Aug. 20, 2024 5 p.m. deadline. It must be in the hands of the clerk's office by that deadline.

You also have the choice of mailing the ballot or returning it in person to the clerk's office at the Grant County Administration Center.