By Lynn Janes

The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a special meeting on July 29, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, David Terrazas, Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia (phone). Superintendent Michael Koury also attended.

The board approved with changes, if appropriate, to the Cobre High School student and parent handbook after some discussion. Guadiana pointed out that he didn’t see any consequences on page 9 for cell phone usage. Koury said they would be using the discipline matrix for the school. First, they would be asked to put it away, second time the phone would be taken away and the third time they would be sent to the office. Guadiana said it did not appear clear in the handbook. Koury said if he continued to read on page 9 it would explain. Guadiana wanted to know if the offenses would be cumulative, go from class to class or just be for that classroom. Koury said they could not make it cumulative, but the third offence would send them to the office.

The next part of the discussion had to do with page 16 and the stipulation of defacing the graduation caps. Koury said he would like to see that taken off.  As long as what they did would be appropriate, he didn’t have any problem with them decorating them. They discussed the proper wording that would convey the allowance.

The board went over the wording on page 17 that said if they dropped out of a Western New Mexico University (WNMU) class it would give them an F for that class for the dual enrollment. They all agreed that sometimes things happen, and it would be necessary for them to drop it, and they should not be penalized. Koury wanted to run it by the guidance counselors before they changed it to see if they had a reason for that rule. They did agree it needed to be rephrased.

Terrazas questioned the charges for use of the health care facility listed in the handbook. They spoke about most of the students having Medicaid or insurance. Koury said no one would be turned away. He would check with the nurses and see why that had been put in and they would change if appropriate.

The board approved the Snell Middle School student and parent handbook with the changes discussed.

Guadiana wanted some words changed on page 5 concerning eligibility for athletics. Koury said he would change it.

The question came up about the part of the handbook mentioning Chromebooks. It had not been in the other handbooks. Katelyn Church, coordinator of technology, said they would be sending out a policy to all the parents concerning the Chromebook. She explained the policy to the board. They would be asking, but not mandating each student to purchase insurance of $25 for each Chromebook with a cap of $75 for a family. The new Chromebooks do have a warranty for the next four years, but they still have many that do not have that warranty. Even with the warranty the district would have to pay for shipping to and back when one had to be sent in for repair. Church went over the reasons for the insurance. It would encourage students to be more careful and responsible. It will provide money down the road when the district has to replace the ones without a warranty or a tech bond to fall back on. To replace each Chromebook would be approximately $300. They repair the ones without a warranty but must purchase parts many times.

Begay asked Church how many a week came in damaged. She said the average has been around seven and the most fifteen. She added the chargers would not be covered on the warranty of the new Chromebooks and loss and damage of chargers has been common.

Guadiana said they needed to take it off or put on all. Koury said they would take it off because it will all be covered in the policy sent out to all parents.

Terrazas pointed out the health clinic issue on the last one and Koury said he would follow up on all.

Page 15 speaks towards make up work when absent. They discussed how that would be handled with a suspension. Koury said they have not been doing what is listed in the handbook and would like to take that out. They encourage students to do the work. Begay said they did need a deadline. Koury said they had been doing as an example, three days off and three days to make up. He said further down on the page it had that explained.

Guadiana said the dress code has not been enforced at the high school or middle school. Koury agreed it had not been enforced last year and some had to do with all the changes happening with the district. They went over the teachers' dress code and it would be at the discretion of the principal. Leggings has been controversial.

Terrazas brought up page 30 and the reference to students and vehicles brought to the school. They talked about it for a while and decided to leave it in.

Guadiana pointed out that the part addressing searches doesn’t stipulate who would be a witness and the requirement of a witness. Koury said they do not do a search without a witness. He would make sure to add that. Begay said they don’t always have a witness, and they all discussed the situations that might happen.

The board approved the athletic activity policy handbook with the changes discussed.

Guadiana said that page 5 cited the Cobre website but didn’t give it. Koury said he would add that.

Terrazas had questions concerning volunteer coaches listed on page 14. It had to do with requirements, and they had some problems in the past year because of them. Begay asked if they had done evaluations on them and said she had not seen any. Terrazas pointed out some typos that needed to be corrected.

They discussed the meal allowance and Koury said they had called around and $12 had been the amount arrived at. Some of the board didn’t think that would cover it.

They discussed not having a handbook for the staff but have policies that address everything needed. Koury said he still would like to see a handbook for the coaches and teachers.

Meeting adjourned.