By Lynn Janes

The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a special meeting on February 9, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, and David Terrazas. Acting superintendent Michael Koury also attended.

New business

The board has two vacancies to fill. One of the two applicants had not been able to attend.

The applicant would be given three minutes for an opening statement and three minutes for a closing statement. Each board member would ask two questions and the applicants would have three minutes on each question to answer.

Angelina Hardin said she had been raised in Faywood and has lived in Grant County her whole life. She graduated from Cobre High School. She has retired but before she had been self-employed and a dental assistant along with working at H and R Block. She also worked at the Mimbres and Faywood post office. Her husband worked at the mines for fifty plus years. "I am here to represent Mimbres and voice their concerns. I want us to work together to help the children."

Guadiana asked her why they should pick her and what the biggest challenges would be at Cobre. "I am interested in the community and want to represent Mimbres which has not been represented in a long time. I want to listen to the parents and kids." She felt the biggest challenge for Cobre has been the drugs. She has concerns for kids that live in homes with drugs and wants to detour the kids use.

Begay asked her how she would handle a board decision she didn't support or vote for and how she would address the shortage of teachers and substitutes. Hardin said if she had not supported a decision, she would ask questions and see how they could work together. On the shortage she suggested getting parents involved. Maybe they could volunteer.

Terrazas asked how she would interact with the board to be unified and if she would be comfortable raising a question that was against the statis quo. She said she would see how she could get involved if she had any concerns. She asked them to explain what they meant by statis quo. Guadiana said it meant going against the existing environment, being contrary to what the norm is. She said she would feel comfortable. "I know we will have negative and positive. We must go the right direction for the kids."

In closing Hardin said she thanked them for their time. "I am here to help the community and address what is needed for the kids. The future of the kids is to get them more involved in activities and class."

Meeting adjourned.