By Lynn Janes

The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a regular meeting on August 26, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, David Terrazas, Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia. Superintendent Michael Koury also attended.

Administration – principals'  and directors' reports

Alma Grijalva, food service supervisor, had a report for the board. They have 944 students enrolled and provide more than 1,500 meals each day on time. The state had audited the food service department and didn't have any findings. "New Mexico is only one of nine states that provide free breakfast and lunch to the students." They currently have ten students that require a special diet, and they have provided for that.

This year Cobre has won the New Mexico Golden Chile Seed Award. The award will be presented October 24, 2024, at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque. The food service department has been funded $8,000 to provide New Mexico grown foods and they will be purchasing them from Frontier Food Hub. A national food study will be done, and Cobre Consolidated Schools has been chosen to be in that study. Guadiana wanted to know what the Golden Chile Seed award was. Grijalva said it had been a new award she didn't know much about. It recognizes organizations that strive to use New Mexico-grown-and-produced food. Terrazas congratulated Grijalva on a good job.

Norma Ramirez, coordinator of human resources, provided documents and had a report for the board. Since July they had hired four new people in administration and six teachers of which three would serve in special education. They had also hired six educational assistants, one health aide, two library aides, one administrative assistant, one maintenance, three for sports and one for food service. She had thirteen applications for substitutes and six class volunteers.

The new principal at Bayard Elementary, Samuel Saucedo, had started some new initiatives that had been well received. Interventions have taken place during the day and not after school, and Saucedo said he involves himself in the process. Central Elementary liked the idea and has started it. He felt it to be important for the principals to collaborate. "I meet with the teachers on a weekly basis and work on a positive note." He has addressed the culture by starting a cheerleading team and having school dances. He makes the dances also be fundraisers. The Ron Clark house system builds a sense of belonging. "I feel discipline does not have to be punitive, and I try to keep it positive." He also said he has implemented recognition of good behavior by calling the parents. He touched on the data from the tests last year and this year. "I believe in targeting the whole child not just academics but social and emotional wellness."

Shay Biebelle, San Lorenzo Elementary principal, started by complimenting the food service department for doing a great job. They had lost 12 students but had gained 19 and now have a total of 77 students. She went over all the data on the test scores and explained the reasons she felt for the increases and decreases from last year. Biebelle said the cameras had helped with behavior problems. Recently the school had an open house and 60 percent of the parents had attended. She added that they receive a lot of support from the community with supplies, clothes and money. The Harvest Festival will be a big fundraiser for them. Biebelle mentioned all the teachers and what a good job they had done.

Old business

Koury addressed the question from Guadiana in previous meetings about missing artificial turf. Koury had taken photos of what they had and sent them to Guadiana. He had found that some had been used for the batting cages and most had been transferred into the storage containers.

New business

The board discussed the high school and middle school replacement building. Koury said it has been put on hold. They will need to have a general obligation bond first. They had been told that they had to have money first before they could go to the state. Guadiana wanted to know about the technology bond. Koury said that would be separate. They would need a $6 million general obligation bond and the next time they could have it on the election would be November of 2025. Guadiana wanted a report on the tech bond versus the general obligation bond.

Begay said the finance committee had not met. Frank Ryan, finance director, didn't have anything for them to go over.

Guadiana said the audit committee had met the week before. The new member, auditors and state auditor had attended. They have several deficiencies and will be preparing a response to the findings and what corrective actions will be taken. He also said they would be deciding if they would be trying to recover the funds, and if so, how.

Board member reports.

Heredia and Hardin did not have anything to report.

Begay asked the board to attend the region eight meeting. They will be receiving board training hours.

Terrazas asked Koury for some information later.

Guadiana had attended the high school open house and very few parents had attended. He said they needed to improve the communication better when changes have been made. "I went to the volleyball game, and it was amazing."

Begay wanted to give a shout out the the teachers. "I know the beginning of the year is always tough and hard to get back into the routine."

Superintendent's report

The board discussed putting public input requests online. Koury said they discussed this at a superintendents' meeting, and it has been something started across the state. He wanted to present them with the information. Begay liked the idea. Guadiana had concerns such as personal attacks and the information had no mention of constraints clarified. Begay said they needed to reiterate civility. They have had problems with parents, so it would need to be made clear.

Koury provide a list of current fundraisers happening.

The board went into executive session. They would be discussing and seeking advice from legal counsel concerning the status of the complaint against the superintendent. They would also be discussing the special audit and collective bargaining strategies.

The board came back into open session and said no actions had taken place.

Meeting adjourned.