By Frost McGahey

This confusion was caused by both the County Clerk's office and Ballotpedia.

The Ballotpedia website read that the NM primaries were only partially closed and that Independents could vote if they declared which party they wanted to vote for. That information has not been taken down.

The county clerk's office is not as up-to-date.

From a Voter who re-registered on May 1st from a Republican to Independent to vote in the Democrat Primary:

"I was misinformed by two women working in the clerk's office today that if I registered as an independent that I would be allowed to register with a major party WHEN I voted so that I could request the desired ballot. (I.e. Democrat or Republican) With my action today.....I can't vote in the Primary at all. This shows that office's incompetence once again."

This reporter was also told weeks ago by the clerk's office the same thing.

However, a brochure received from the county clerk's office a few days ago read: Closed Primary. A call to the Secretary of State's Election office confirmed that only registered Democrats and Republicans are allowed to vote in the primaries.

Independents and those wishing to change their party affiliation can re-register. But to vote in the primaries, it must be done before May 7th, the start of early voting.

For how to do it see:
How to Register and Vote in the Primary (