Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
From left, in front of the DAV van, are veterans and former van drivers, Joe Gonzalez, Dave Krisch, Ernie Portillo, Art Sierra, Susie Sierra, Charles Deming, Fort Bayard DAV Chapter 1 Commander John Tetford and Barney Jaramillo.
The Fort Bayard DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Chapter 1 in 2017 raised money from all over the southwest region of New Mexico to pay for a new van to carry area veterans from Silver City, Lordsburg, Deming, Las Cruces and Alamogordo to the Raymond G. Murphy Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Albuquerque.
"We're all getting old," Art Sierra, van driver coordinator, said. "We need some younger drivers, maybe veterans from Afghanistan or Iraq, although I know many of them still have jobs or just somebody who can help out our veterans."
Sierra noted that he and his wife started doing the day-long round trips when he retired. "I saw a notice looking for drivers. I needed something to do, and I decided this was a good thing to volunteer for. I have enjoyed listening to the stories from the veterans. I enjoy the trip and seeing the scenery. It is all volunteer, but when we arrive, we get fed at the center and maybe get a pat on the back."
Art and Susie Sierra, for the past 20 years, have coordinated and also served as drivers for the trips to the VA medical center to make it easier for veterans to get to their appointments
Due to not enough volunteer drivers at this time, the trips have ceased temporarily. "But if we don't start using it, the VA will take it away from us. We worked hard to raise half the money to pay for the van. So we feel like this van belongs to us even though it actually belongs to the VA."
This DAV van needs drivers to take veterans to Albuquerque for VA medical center appointments.The group of veterans, most of whom have been volunteer drivers over the years and are Vietnam veterans, talked about how much help the van has been for local veterans.
Charles Deming, vice commander of the DAV chapter, said the the Department of Veterans Affairs pays for the maintenance and the fuel for the trips. "The Columbia Trust of Ford Motors paid the other half of the price of the van."
Sierra noted that volunteer drivers get trained and certified as VA van drivers in Albuquerque.
The "new" van, which is what they drive now has 70,000 miles on it since 2017. The old one they were driving, which is still in use in Albuquerque had 368,000 miles on it. Sierra said this van was the fourth one that he had driven over the 20 years.
If you are perhaps recently retired or need a fulfilling volunteer job helping veterans and enjoy listening to them recount their days in service of their country, give Art or Susie a call at 575-534-3090 or 575-590-3172. Your service will be greatly appreciated by our local veterans.
Call this number to volunteer to drive veterans to medical appointments at the VA in Albuquerque