[Editor's Note: This is the second of a series of articles on the July 9, 2024, Grant County Commission work session. It covers a quarterly report from HMS. ]

By Mary Alice Murphy

Hidalgo Medical Services Chief Executive Officer Dr. Dan Otero gave highlights of the HMS quarterly report. He said in the Medical Division, HMS had served year-to-date "just shy of 9,000 unduplicated patients (8,894, according to the report), with just over 14,000 visits (14,199)." He said they had added two medical providers, a physician and a physician assistant.

"We opened the Mimbres Clinic on July 2," Otero said. "We are providing services starting with two days a week and we will move to three-and-a-half days in September."

In behavioral health services, HMS saw 2,398 unduplicated visits and more than 8,000 all together YTD. Increased staff included a psychiatric nurse practitioner and a therapist.

In HMS dental services, totals year-to-date of unduplicated patients were 2,666 and total visits 4,486. He reported they got two news dentists in August.

Family Support Services YTD has seen 971 patients and 1, 231 total visits.

The new Director of Senior Services, Aaron Holmes "has jumped right in and is improving services quickly," Otero reported. "He also plans more senior events."

He also noted about 700 people attended the Jump Into Summer event. Otero announced that on July 20, HMS would hold its second annual celebration for Hidalgo County, and it will rent the swimming pool for participants.

Otero said HMS had held two of five required hearings, at Mimbres and Gila, and Holmes would be scheduling ones for Silver City, Santa Clara and Hidalgo County senior centers.

He cited the statistics for congregate meals and for home delivered meals, as well as those requiring transportation for medical appointments or to shop for groceries.

In the results of a survey, HMS learned that some have difficult using the transportation services; some family members who are caregivers asked for respite services; and some requested other services, that HMS would try to find funding for.

Otero also noted that two positions were open across the system, and HMS had completed the state ADA audit and was addressing corrective items.

District 2 Commissioner Eloy Medina thanked HMS for bringing back the Mimbres Health Clinic. "A lot of people rely on you out in the Timbres."

District 4 Commissioner Billy Billings said he hears good things from the Gila and Mimbres senior centers and especially for the clinic in Mimbres. "You are meeting a huge gap for behavioral health services."

Dr. Teresa Arizaga reported on Tu Casa and publicly recognized the Advisory Committee. "Over the past month, we had 749 appointments, with 320 completed, 227 of them unique visits.

In medication assisted treatment, Tu Casa had 44 appointments, with 30 completed and 28 being new.

She noted that HMS had applied for an expansion grant for Tu Casa, and they were working with the hospital and the Detention Center on the grant, which over two years would provide a total of $2 million for regional mental health services.

Future services proposed include Phase 1: psychiatric consultation in the Gila Regional Medical Center 24/7; and Phase 2: development of a crisis triage center for 23 hours seven days a week, which would include a physical health assessment, behavioral health assessment and psychiatric consultation as needed. Phase 2 would provide a mobile crisis response 24.7; Phase 4, a 14-day crisis stabilization unit; and Phase 5 an inpatient unit with acute psychiatric care.

Billings asked how far off would these services be.

Otero replied that in discussion with HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration), they learned they would not be able to embed "our providers in the hospital. We can create an LLC separate from the hospital under HRSA's umbrella of liability." He said HRSA had asked why the community was not coming forward to ask for resources. "I said wait until September and we will have estimates. My biggest problem is getting providers. We're getting more applications, so I hope we can get what we need."

The next article will begin with the county's ICIP (infrastructure capital improvement plan).

To read the previous article, please visit https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/grant-county-commission-holds-work-session-070924-part-1