Grant County Spurs 4-H Club new 2025 officers
The new 4-H year for the Grant County Spurs 4-H Club is off to a great start. Our first order of business for the new year was to elect this year's officer team. Congratulations to Rowan Burchett-President, Aubrey Harsh-Vice President, Hunter Weaver-Secretary, Ryleigh Weaver-Treasurer, Amery Jackson-Reporter, Hunter Geren-Sergeant at Arms, and Jameson Runyan-Song and Recreation Leader.
Our club once again brightened the Christmas Spirit in the community by decorating the median at the junction of Hwy 180W and NM 211 with beautiful lights and garland. Our club adopted this median several years ago and works diligently to maintain it throughout the year. We also celebrated Christmas at our December meeting with a gift exchange and goodies.
Our Cloverbud members will be hosting a "4-H Grows Here" booth at the "Spring Fling at the Market" at the Gila Market, March 19th from 10:00am – 1:00pm. Visit their booth to learn more about 4-H and enjoy some prizes and activities.
Several club members will be attending Youth Get Away 2025 in Glorietta April 11th-13th. The theme this year is "Be Out of This World with 4-H". Our club will also be hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt, date TBD, in April as well.
It's that time of year when club members are gearing up to work on their livestock projects as well as many other projects offered by 4-H. 4-H members work hard throughout the summer learning about their various projects and preparing to compete in several competitions and exhibit them at the fair in September.
We are excited for all the activities and competitions coming up soon and look forward to sharing our successes with you.
By: Amery Jackson, Reporter