Photos Courtesy of Sylvia Mikes

The annual Hummingbird Festival took place on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site as a fundraiser for the Imogene F. Wilson Education Foundation.

As the name of the festival notes, activities center around the annual migration of hummingbirds into and through the region. Numerous feeders are scattered throughout the site. Hummingbird banders start early in the morning when the birds are most active. The colorful birds are caught in a cloth mesh cage and handled carefully by the bander, so that he can see if the bird has been banded before or if it's a new one to the region. After the bird is banded and fed by the bander, he will hold the bird next to someone's ear and they can hear the heartbeat. Before the bander releases the bird, often a child will have the opportunity to hold one in his or her hand until it flies away.

Readers will see one young fellow seem entranced with the tiny bird in his hand. 

Other photos show people watching the bander at work; children and adults paying attention to what the bander says; attendees checking out the sign with the schedule; a girl grinding corn with a stone, just like in the old days; and photos of vendors on hand with wares and information for the attendees. Food was also available for purchase. 


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