By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting and workshop meeting September 10, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor Pro Tem Nanette Day, councilors, Reynaldo Maynes and Keana Huerta. James Langley has resigned.

Steven read a resignation letter from Langley and said the town would be seeking letters of interest for the open council position.

Public input.

Several residents spoke. One resident pointed out that having two agendas for the September 3, 2024, had been very confusing for the public and had not been fair. Another resident expressed concerns over the water system not being tested every year. He wanted to know if it had been, when and results. He also wanted to know what the lead and copper regulations would mean. Stevens said  they would address all those concerns at  the next meeting.

The council approved the consent agenda. It included minutes from three meetings and department head reports. Darlene McBride, deputy clerk, addressed briefly the lead and copper requirements. She said the state had made this a requirement, and it must be submitted by October 2024. Day said the library had 32 volunteer hours. They will be organizing the board for the library late in the month. The salsa contest had brought in 250-300 people, and they had classes and kids' events also. "It was a great opportunity for Hurley to host the event."

David Takeuchi, engineer Stantec, working on the renovation of the GO building for the town of Hurley, attended the meeting online. He had made the changes the council had requested in the last meeting. They have 2,800 square feet to work with and have to work around a vault on both floors that will be used for storage. The building's brick has some wear and tear and some vandalism but not much needs to be done. He had added parking lots to the east of the building for the police department needs. It will run along the railroad track. They reviewed the adjusted plans from the requests of the last meeting. Stevens asked the council if they had any questions and had everything been covered so they could move forward. George Esqueda, Stantec, said they would just be the schematics. The council approved moving forward with the project.

The discussion on the Five Points Train Depot project had to be tabled. The people that would present had not been able to attend.

The council tabled the business license for D.R.I.. Cody Graham addressed the council to explain the business. He would be providing a chain link fence around the property. The business operates seven days a week and processes waste metal and train wrecks. Stevens asked him if he had an environmental impact study done by the state. The business needs to not be a nuisance to the public and be safe for the community. "I am concerned about having a junk pile." He said the council make the decision. A concern came up about the welding that could cause a fire. Day wanted to know how he would get the large items into the property. They all discussed the need for fencing and it being aesthetically pleasing. Graham said railroad property has been hard to find. Some of the residents in attendance had questions for him. Stevens said they would have to have some agreements before the council could approve the license. They asked him to provide the information they requested and come back with a presentation that addressed everyone's concerns.

The council tabled the discussion on zoning.

The recreational improvements discussion started with Esqueda asking the council for a master plan before they could move forward, and Stevens said they would be asking him for some guidance on that. Maynes spoke briefly on the quotes for the E Street Park.

The council table the discussion on hiring a human resource consultant.

Mayor and councilors reports

Day spoke on having young volunteers be involved. The animal shelter needs volunteers, and she said she wanted to see Hurley have the best animal shelter.

Maynes thanked everyone for coming.

The next regular meeting will be October 8, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
A special meeting will be held September 30, 2024, at 5:30 pm.

Meeting adjourned.