By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting August 13, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor Pro Tem Nanette Day, councilors, Reynaldo Maynes and Keana Huerta. James Langley did not attend.

Public Input

Gabe Ramos attended to give public comment.

The council approved the consent agenda. The agenda included meeting minutes, maintenance report, deputy clerks report, fire department report, animal control report, code enforcement report, police report, judges report and library report.

Erin Meeks, Community Partnership for Children, attended to present the upcoming September Spectacular Superhero Family Fit Fest event Sept. 14 at Bataan Memorial Park. It will include a 5k and 10k run along with many other activities and vendors.

The council approved ordinance No. 77-A. This ordinance has to do with the New Mexico uniform traffic for the town of Hurley. It establishes the penalty assessment program.

The council approved ordinance No. 84. This ordinance will be for the town of Hurley affordable housing.

The council approved the purchase order to Fire House Supply for fire hoses for the fire department.

The council discussed the improvements being proposed for the swimming pool and E Street park. Huerta asked about purchasing security cameras for the swimming pool to prevent future break ins. Blas Rodriguez, maintenance supervisor said he would look into fence top options so people would not be able to climb over. Stevens asked the police chief to look into security for all town properties and bring it to the council. Maynes had met with Rural Southwest New Mexico Integrated Urban Forestry project that will be planting trees in the town. They will be putting them in the E Street park. The town will also be looking for other fencing quotes for the E Street park.

The council tabled the discussion on the hiring of a human resource consultant.

The council went into closed session relating to the code enforcement officer and the completion of their probation period.

The council came back into open session and said no other matters had been discussed and no action had taken place.

The council approved the completion of the probationary period for Doug Miranda, code enforcement officer.

The council approved a 15 percent pay increase for Darlene McBride, deputy clerk, until the clerk position has been filled.

Mayor and councilors reports

Day suggested having the ordinances and minutes available online for the residents to view.

Huerta reminded everyone to attend the Salsa Showdown on September 7, 2024, at the Hurley community center.

Maynes thanked the maintenance department for their work around town.

Stevens said the Dollar Store would be open soon. It had been a big effort that would be good for the town. He added that the town will be working to slow down future break ins on town property.

[Author’s note, this had to be written from the minutes provided by the town due to technical problems the town had at the time of the meeting.]

The next regular meeting will be September 10, 2024, at 5:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned.