By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a workshop and special meeting May 21, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, councilors Nanette Day, Reynaldo Maynes, Keana Huerta, and James Langley.

The workshop took place to discuss the recreation improvements and budget for 2024-2024.

Barbara Nazarewicz, a landscape architect contacted by Stantec, and George Esqueda with Stantec joined the meeting online to answer questions from the council about designing the Big Muddy area and ask questions about what they wanted to see. Nazarewicz had provided them with a preliminary schematic of the area with the current information she had. She said she looks forward to their feedback. They discussed removing the splash park, volleyball, train depot, and skate park. They expressed the need to have power and water for vendors in the area that would come from A Street. They also said they would be keeping the pump track but moved the location around. Pickle courts came up but some concerns about upkeep came up. Wall ball came as a suggestion from Huerta. Maynes wanted to see a two- or three-hole putting green and they decided artificial turf would be the best choice.

They decided on a permanent stage. Blas Rodrigues, maintenance director, said it would cause too many problems to have a removable one. They also decided a concrete stage would be better than a wood or aluminum.

Maynes wanted to see batting cages and Stevens wanted to see a girls' pitching area. Nazarewicz said they could be combined, and she asked what they would be looking for concerning the batting cages and Maynes said like the ones at the Cobre softball field and Esqueda said he would take pictures and send them to her. Huerta also wanted to see a labyrinth or meditation area.

Nazarewicz said this will be a good conversation starter. She would have a new schematic for them to look at by the next meeting.

Budget for 2024-2025

Lori Ortiz, city clerk/treasurer, said they had covered almost everything at the last meeting.

She had separated the animal control officer and code enforcement officer on the budget as Langley had requested. She had also made the animal control officer full time to reflect in the new budget. She had also added the parttime employee for the library for 15 hours a week at $16 an hour.

The town has not increased utility costs to the residents since 2019. They have had consumer price index increases and the new solid waste contract had cost more than the last one. The town ordinances allow for the increase in wastewater but not for the solid waste. The town has had a $24,000 shortfall and needs to have some increases to cover future shortfalls. She recommended increasing the wastewater $3 and solid waste $2.20. These would be approximate, and tax would be added. People with an extra bin will pay an additional $5. The council agreed to the utility increase. Ortiz said it would be on the budget and they would be voting for it at the June council meeting.

Special meeting

The council went into closed session to discuss the completion of probation for three employees.

The council came back into open session and said only the personnel matters had been discussed and no action had taken place.

The council did not approve the completion of probation for Police Officer Albert Dominguez. Not approving completion of his probation will be the same as firing him. He asked to address the council. He said it had been an honor and privilege to serve the community, but he would be working toward filing a whistleblower lawsuit, since he had brought forward some information. Police Chief Christian McGuinness had not been available for the meeting due to attending a training out of town.

The council approved the completion of probation for maintenance laborers Gabriel Cabrera and Juan (Johnny) Palomarez.

The council approved resolution no. 19-2023/2024. Ortiz said they had approved the adjustment for $148,000 at the previous meeting but she found she needed to have a resolution.

The next regular meeting will be June 11, 2024, at 5:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned.