By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting July 16, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor Pro Tem Nanette Day, councilors, Reynaldo Maynes, Keana Huerta (online) and James Langley.

Public Input

George Moreno introduced himself and said he has also been known as a cave man by the Mayor Pro Tem. This comment came from a social media post Day had made about the town of Hurley residents. As the committee chair for the planning of the Big Muddy he said that they had received 36 responses. Some of the things asked for had been shady areas, cooking areas, splash park, walking path, putting green, volleyball, community garden, pickle ball, corn hole and dog park. They will continue to work with the engineer on the project as they go.

Moreno added, "I am disappointed that the Mayor Pro Tem is here, we will do a recall."

Tim Gray wanted to speak about the library. He has lived in Hurley for seven years and grew up all around the country and the only thing consistent in those moves had been a library. Libraries have evolved and now have the internet. He said a lot of rumors and misinformation have gone around about the library. They had started with a budget of $1,000 and still had $500 left. "We managed to do a lot with no money." He wanted to impress the residents that just doing 15 hours a week will open them up to thousands of dollars in grants after a year.

A Resident thanked the council for finding another way to pay the extra money required for services and not passing it on to the residents.

A resident questioned if they had the funds for additional police and said the other had left because of lack of training. They applauded Hurley working with Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments, it would be a strategic partnership. They felt the affordable housing ordinance would be a good first step for Hurley to help with housing and economic development. He thanked the Mayor for the major changes in public input and his leadership. Stevens said they will be looking into microphones to make it easier for the residents to hear the meetings.

Rudy Pena wished that more people would support the library. He did say the water and sewer issues needed to be perfected first. At the end he said they all wanted to be celebrities.

Esther Gill wanted to speak on behalf of Jamie Serrano for a police officer. "We need more officers." She would be fine with the library if they could run it on a volunteer basis.

The council went into closed session to discuss the hiring of Jamie Serrano as a police officer.

The council came into open session

The did not approve the hiring of Jamie Serrano for a police officer.

The council approved resolution No. 2-2024/2025. This addressed the fiscal year 2023/2024 fourth quarter budget adjustments. Lori Ortiz, city clerk, went over each adjustment and explained. Each had to do with grants received.

The council approved resolution No. 3-2024/2025. This addressed the final quarter financial report. Ortiz explained the changes. They had to do with the transfer of the shortages incurred by the town paying the sewer, garbage and landfill fees.

After a long discussion the council approved resolution No. 4-2024/2025. This would adopt the budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025.

Langley said they had three budget workshops, and he didn't know if the library would be added in. Day said she knew many were against it, but she had received calls from many that had been for it. She made the recommendation of changing the budgeted amount of $30,000 discussed to $20,000. "It will not affect your utility bills. We need someone in there to work so we can qualify for the funding." A lot of money would be available, but they had to follow through on this. "It is part of the comprehensive plan, what else are we not going to do?" She said they needed to have someone for 15 hours a week at $15 and hour. "This is not just for books this is a place people can come together." She cited examples.

Langley continued with they needed to do this to be eligible for grants. "We have to do the steps." Maynes asked if they could find more volunteers. Day insisted they needed to have one person there consistently as a contact person. Stevens pointed out that the residents did not want to see municipal money used for the library.

The council approved resolution No. 5-2024/2025. This certifies the assets for fiscal year 2023/2024. This document will be needed for the auditors and will help remove the finding from last year. Ortiz said they had not been aware they needed the certification in the past.

The council approved resolution No. 6-2024/2025. This ratifies the agreement between Hurley and the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments. This is something the town does yearly. The organization helps them with the ICIP (Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan), colonias funding and other funding sources. They mentioned how helpful Priscilla Lucero, director, has always been.

The council approved the intent to adopt ordinance 84 for the town of Hurley affordable housing ordinance. Ortiz said they had passed the resolution last time. This will help residents and housing needs.

Stevens, council and residents thanked Ortiz for her service.

The next regular meeting will be August 13, 2024, at 5:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned.