MIMBRES, NM, ?July 7, 2024 – The Ridge Fire on the Gila National Forest, Wilderness Ranger District has grown to 100 acres, moving to the southwest toward Iron Creek Mesa Trail and Willow Creek as it follows grass and dead and down timber in an old burn scar. Additional firefighting resources are arriving today and tomorrow.
"Hot, dry weather over the past couple of days has made fuels in the area more receptive to fire," said Wilderness District Ranger Brian Stultz. "Persistent hot, dry weather today and tomorrow, with moderate winds, will continue to support moderate fire growth."
Winds out of the northwest will tend to limit its growth toward values at risk in the Willow Creek area. The weather forecast calls for lower temperatures, higher relative humidity, and greater chances of precipitation beginning Tuesday.
A variety of tactics will be used to keep the fire within an area of approximately 7,000 acres south of Gilita Creek, west of the Middle Fork Gila River, north of Middle Fork Trail #151, and east of an unnamed ridge above (east of) Willow Creek Campground. This may include using hand tools to eliminate fuels along planned perimeters, hand ignitions, and other suppression tactics as changing conditions require to protect values at risk and bring low- to moderate-intensity fire out to control features and establish containment.
Smoke will be visible from Mogollon, Willow Creek, and Snow Lake, and is likely to settle into low lying areas during overnight and early morning hours. When smoke impacts are present, New Mexico Department of Health recommends that smoke sensitive individuals should reduce physical activity and stay indoors with windows and doors closed. For those who are unable to avoid smoke exposure, use of a particulate respirator mask can help. Additional air quality information and health protection measures are posted online at ?NM-Tracking - Fires, Smoke and Health. Real-time mapping of smoke and other air quality impacts is available at ?https://fire.airnow.gov/. ?For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 or ?