Photos and article by Lynn Janes

On March 8, 2024, at 9:00 am, many local officials, residents, and students came together to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new recreation center that will be located on 32nd Street and Silver Street behind the La Bonita Bakery. Although the morning was brisk and cold many people showed up to celebrate the long planned and anticipated project.

Priscilla Lucero, Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments executive director, opened the ceremony and welcomed everyone. They started with the presentation of colors, pledge of allegiance and salute to the New Mexico flag.

Lucero talked about everyone who had come together to make this project happen and the many struggles that they had. She acknowledged the Silver City Town Council, Grant County Commission, and committee members that started the planning process in 2020.

Lt. Gov. Howie Morales attended. Morales wanted to thank Lucero and Prospectors for all they had done for the project. "This is a big day for us. A celebration for the community. I was born and raised here and would ride my bike right here where we are standing." He said this would be an $18 million facility. Originally, they had thought it could be done with $8 million and quickly saw it would cost considerably more. Many problems had to be solved to obtain the extra needed funding to do the project and some late night calls to make it happen. Most communities this size will not have a facility like this and without an increase in taxes to the residents. Morales thanked many people for their contribution to making the project succeed.

Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner spoke to everyone. "We are here to celebrate this groundbreaking only because of a community-wide effort." He thanked some of the main people involved in making the project happen. He started with Morales for his full support from the beginning and getting the additional funds needed. He acknowledged the help of Freeport McMoRan and the town of Silver City. He gave special thanks to Lucero and said she has been an amazing person. "Priscilla is my hero." She seems to find the funding needed for projects and finds ways to make them happen. He thanked Alex Brown, Silver City town manager, and said his leadership had brought the project to this point.

Tony Trujillo, Freeport McMoRan (FMI), corrected the mayor, "Priscilla is everyone's hero." He said he had come on behalf of Laura Phelps, administrative manager for Freeport McMoRan, and she sent regrets for not being able to come to the celebration. The town had come to FMI and asked for support and what stood out had been the commitment to serve the entire community that included the neighboring municipalities. They had needed a study done and FMI made the $40,000 investment for the beginning and as the project moved forward, they provided an additional half million dollars to support the endeavor. "We are a proud partner of this that will serve many generations to come. This is a perfect example of what Grant County can do when they put their minds together." He added Henry, Morales's father, would be very proud of this.

Paula Geisler had been part of the steering committee from the beginning. She said all the powers that be had been thanked and she wanted to thank them and commend them on their drive to make the project happen. She had learned about the whole process needed to make it happen. "We have given you the best recreation center for the money we had." Recreation is not just physical activity. Geisler added the word could be looked at as re-creation, make yourself over in a brand-new way. "This recreation center will provide for all of us. It will not just be a place for physical activity for all ages but a place for social activities, mental and intellectual activities, arts and crafts and many other possibilities. It will be here for all of us. Think about re-creating yourself in a new and better way."

Lucero had some closing statements. She thanked all the elected officials and how hard they had worked to make the project happen. "Although some are paid, and some are not they are community servants. Many times, they sacrifice family for all of us." She thanked her son who had attended for his sacrifice so she could do the work she does. The expected opening will be in about a year.

Many times, the officials and people involved in the project do the actual "groundbreaking." This time the students that had attended many classes, came forward and did the groundbreaking for the new recreation center.

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