SantaClaraFDSanta Clara new fire truck Photo courtesy of Leandra EsparzaBy Lynn Janes

(Writers note; article written using the minutes provided by the Village of Santa Clara due to technical issues.)

The Village of Santa Clara held a regular meeting January 23, 2025. Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza, Tustees, Peter Erickson and Ralph Trujillo attended. Olga Amador did not attend.

The council approved the agenda with changes to the quote for the tanker from $455,577.00 to $498,577.00. The council approved the minutes and department head reports without changes.

Mayors report

Lopez said he and Sheila Hudman, village administrator, had attended an ISC (Interstate Stream Commission) meeting in Santa Fe. They had attended to ask for more funds to improve the water system in Santa Clara using the water rights provided by Freeport McMoRan.

The sidewalk projects have finished, and Lopez said he had been happy with the outcome.

Lopez and Hudman will be returning to Santa Fe for the legislature on Grant County Days and hope to obtain the three top capital outlay projects they had requested.

Lopez spoke with the owners of the Calibri Café, and they will be opening up March 1, 2025. They will be serving breakfast and lunch.

SantaClaraFireTrSanta Clara new fire truck Photo courtesy of Leandra EsparzaLopez recognized the fire department for receiving fire department of the year from Gila Regional EMS. He shared words of gratitude for the service they give the residents and surrounding areas.

New business

The council approved the quote for the 3,000-gallon freightliner tanker in the amount of $498,577.00. This will be for the Santa Clara volunteer fire department.


The council approved resolution 2025-01. This would be for the open meetings act and is done every year.

The council approved resolution 2025-02. This allows for the participation in the transportation project fund administered by the DOT (Department of Transportation). In the past this has been used for chip seal projects.

The council went into closed session

The council came back from closed session.

Hiring raises and terminations

The council approved the pay raise of $2 an hour for Officer Ronald Martinez.

First regular meeting to be held Thursday February 13, 2025, at 6:00 pm

Second regular meeting to be held Thursday February 27, 2025, at 6:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned