By Lynn Janes

The Village of Santa Clara held a regular meeting September 26, 2024. Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza, trustees, Peter Erickson, Olga Amador and Ralph Trujillo attended.

Mayors report

Lopez had met with Freeport McMoRan (FMI) for their monthly meeting along with the mayor of Hurley and Bayard. They went over the projects for the next year each would be wanting to do. FMI has these meetings to see how they can assist and help  the communities.

Hildalgo Medical Services (HMS) will meet with the three mayors in the mining district concerning the senior citizen programs. Santa Clara has in the past secured the funding and this year since all three communities use the facility, Santa Clara has asked how they can come together to help fund the projects by all securing some funding. Lopez said it would be a good partnership.

The downtown sidewalks should be done by December. Lopez said he thought they would finish before that. Bellm Street has opened, and Lopez warned they had more stop signs now. The additional stop signs had been planned long ago.

Lopez said they still had some work to do on the Bradley Hotel before the stucco could be done.

Leandra Esparza, village clerk, wanted to let everyone know about the Tamal Fest coming up in November. Amador said they still would like more vendors. Lopez said the event had gone well the year before and he would be attending this year to help any way he can.

Amador announced they would be having a best decorated home contest for Halloween in October and would have a cash prize. The judging will be October 21, 2024. All the information will be in the water bill.

Lopez spoke at the Gila Backcountry Horsemen event at Fort Bayard. The event had gone well, and Lopez said he knew a lot of the people and met a lot of people. “What they are doing is a good thing.”

Cobre will be having a class reunion at Fort Bayard soon. Lopez said they also will be hosting the Gem and Mineral show at the armory on October 4, 2024.

New business

The council approved the recommendation from code enforcement to approve the application by Trinidad Ortiz to move a new double wide mobile home to 711 Escondida Street. Rosemary Arciero, code enforcement officer, said they would have a hard time moving the home in and would have to do it off Mineral Street. They had received permission from the landowners to cross their property.

Lopez wanted to introduce a person that would be involved in the regional water project. Indira Aguirre, Rural Community Assistance Corporation, provides technical assistance with water systems. They mainly serve small community water systems. She has been involved in the regional water project and monitoring it. She has also been meeting with Hanover to see what they can do to help. “I am here to be a resource to you all.” Lopez said Aguirre has been helping them with Hanover. He wants to make sure they will be doing the right thing for Hanover and Santa Clara.


The council approved resolution 2024-29. This allows them to participate in the transportation project fund administered by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Leandra Esparza said this would be for the Oak Street project and would take care of the design and survey. It will require a 5 percent match of $23,400.

The council approved resolution 2024-30. This allows for the village to apply for a match waiver on the project on Oak Street with the DOT.


The council proclaimed October 2024 domestic violence awareness month. Dolores Charon spoke to the council and thanked them. She went over all the events that would be happening in October and invited them to attend. She had asked specifically that officers attend and Lopez asked her to call the police chief and set that up. Charon asked for the help of the maintenance department to put up the purple ribbons she would be providing for the lamp posts. Lopez said they would set that up. The proclamation said they supported and honored those victims of domestic violence.

The council didn’t have a closed session.

Hiring raises and terminations

The council approved the resignation of Christopher Marquez. He had found other employment. Lopez had spoken to him and wished him good luck and congratulated him. He had been an exemplary employee but had found an opportunity to further his career advancement.

First regular meeting to be held Thursday October 10, 2024, at 6:00 pm (canceled)

Second regular meeting to be held Thursday October 24, 2024, at 6:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned