By Lynn Janes

The Village of Santa Clara held a meeting May 9, 2024. Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza, trustees, Olga Amador and Peter Erickson attended. Ralph Trujillo didn't attend.

Mayor's report

Lopez has been working with maintenance to plant trees and do landscaping at the new Mercado location. The village has been in the process of purchasing two properties and one has been completed and the other one will be soon. When those have been completed more improvements can begin. They hope to obtain funding for the new pump track the village has wanted to do. The Forest Service will be having a cleanup day at Fort Bayard June 12, 2024. Lopez will be speaking to the people working on the Bellm project to find out when they will be finished with the project and hoped it would be finished in May. Lopez told the council they would have to meet soon for the planning of the budget. Landscaping will be taking place in front of city hall, and they will be replacing the rock with turf. He had met with WNMU about planting trees along Fort Bayard Street. They also spoke about Open Space Brewery's interest in extending their lease for the Armory. The Splash Park will be opening soon along with other events organized by the action committee.


The council approved resolution 2024-13, a resolution to adopt the village of Santa Clara senior center infrastructure capital improvements plan (ICIP)


The council approved permission to publish the intent to adopt the village of Santa Clara affordable housing ordinance.

The council went into closed session.

The council came back to open session and said no decisions had been made or actions taken.

Budget meeting will take place on May 20, 2024, at 11:00 am.
Second regular meeting will be held Thursday May 23, at 3:00 pm
First regular meeting will be held Thursday June 13, 2024, at 6:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned