Two photo slideshows and article by Mary Alice Murphy

Two events were taking place today in Silver City that would continue tomorrow, Sunday, Sept.1, 2024.

The Silver City Art Association Red Dot Studio Tour featured 20 artists and their work.

Light Art Space, on Broadway, had a room presenting a sample of each artist's work, so that people could choose which galleries and studios to visit. The art included sculpture, oils, watercolors, fabric art, photography, metal work, pottery and mixed media.

A brochure and map provided information on how to visit those studios whose art the person wanted to see. Several locations were within walking distance downtown, and others would require driving to the destination.

[Editor's Note: Because of trying to cover more than one event, this author/photographer visited only two on the tour, but did go to several venues downtown that were not on the tour, which also featured art.]

The second event going on took place in Gough Park—Carnitas, Musica y Mas—where music filled the air, and food and merchandise vendors offered their wares to attendees.

Silver City Code Enforcement officers, Thomas Hernandez and Vickie Toney were on hand to make sure that only service dogs were allowed into the venue due to safety and liability issues. Hernandez noted the difference between service dogs and support animals. The latter were not allowed in the park.Toney also said the animal, usually a dog, must serve the owner in some way, such as helping a blind person get around.

Organizer José Ray said he had received questions about why the event charged people to attend. "Every dollar goes to paying the bands that participate. They aren't going to play without being paid."

Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner noted that the event is organized fully by unpaid volunteers, providing a service and entertainment to the community.

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