Photos, videos and article by Lynn Janes

The Silver City Museum sponsored old time tradition from the earlier days of Silver City at the Old James Stadium Saturday May 18, 2024. The game started with the Gaffney-Oglesby Marine Corp League Chapter 1328 color guard posting the colors and Keana Huerta singing the Star-Spangled Banner.

Patsy Madrid threw out the first pitch for the Flacos and Gordos teams and Raul Turrieta served as the MC for the event.

Some local people dressed up in costumes and played a very unserious baseball game with some crazy rules. One of the innings they did a "backwards inning." The participants had to pitch and hit with the opposite hand they usually did and had to run the bases backwards. The confusion ensued with a lot of laughter in mishaps.

The fire department attended, and every 30 minutes would spray water down on the field for the kids to play under. The kids also enjoyed a bouncy castle.

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