[Editor's Note: This article concludes the actual public hearing and is the fourth of a multi-part series of the meeting, due to its length This author had no access to the speaker list, so some names may be misspelled. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to provide corrections.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

Continuing the public hearing, more speakers presented their comments.

Dave Becker was called next by the Hearing Judge Col. Joshua Rosen. Becker said he lives in Silver City "for the quiet and natural beauty, as well as the recreational opportunities. I have read a lot of EIS reports. This is the most lazy and unprofessional one I've seen. It has so many deficiencies, including sorties that are not going to happen. There is no meaningful mention of the Goldwater Range. Why not carve out the wilderness? There is no development of a baseline. Thousands use the Gila. The CBO plans to sue. As an experienced environmental lawyer, I think they will win."

Susie Siedentop said she thought the two-minute limit was strategic. She noted that 4,000 sorties is not limiting the number, as is stated. "These plans will put humans and animals under stress. Stay at Goldwater. Low-level flights are not acceptable here."

Shelby Hallmark said the eloquent comments had covered all the impacts this proposal would bring. "This is a special place. it was the first wilderness in the world. For us it is sacred, as well as for the Apache. It is not right to do these flights over this special place. Don't come here. Don't do it."

Monique Gonzales said she is a 24-year-old professional and student. "I want to represent my demographic. I came here for the conservation. This place supports more than recreation, It is habitat. People come from worldwide to see the first wilderness. The soundscape is also protected, and has been for a long time. The Gila is for the community I have here."

Michael Shulte said he wanted to thank the Air Force representatives. "You're getting insistent attacks. I invite you to go out 32nd Street bypass and see the Tranquil Skies mental health provider. You might consider why is is so named."

Hillary Klein said the southwest is under attack by mining because of the need of the minerals for electric vehicles. The land is being whittled away in multiple ways, and noise will be detrimental. I didn't realize how important silence is until I came here. We want to preserve our land, water and air."

Roger Tree said he moved to the area from Tucson to get away from airplane noise. "It would be easy to say this is just NIMBY (not in my backyard), but I want to focus on the noise. Planes' noise doesn't stop at the border. Taking the noise of a jet into a pristine and quiet area can be traumatic. The devil is in the details. This isn't the camel's nose into the tent. Please understand if we don't trust the government on this proposal."

Julie McIntire said the situation is really emotional for her. "I realized the video is not for people who are critical thinkers and free. I add a voice to the Aldo Leopold Wilderness, also. I speak for one thing you cannot measure, cannot defend. Protect the spirt of the Gila Wilderness and the murmur of the Gila."

Sharon Bookwalter noted that her husband served in Vietnam. "He took his own life because of the cancers he developed from the chemicals that the government knew about. My well has PFAs in it, which are closely related to military and mining operations. Please don't poison our Gila Wilderness."

Rosen gave his final comments. To provide the attendees with informed information, he asked them to please visit the website https://www.arizonaregionalairspaceeis.com/overview-of-proposed-action/, where they have a formal opportunity to provide written comments, as well as those verbal ones of the evening.

"This is a fantastic community," Rosen concluded. "I appreciate the passion, as well as the involved and critical thinking of this community."

To view the previous articles, please visit https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/u-s-air-force-holds-airspace-optimization-hearing-091124-part-1; https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/u-s-air-force-holds-airspace-optimization-hearing-091124-part-2 ; and https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/u-s-air-force-holds-airspace-optimization-hearing-091124-part-3 .