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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}By Roger Lanse
On August 30, 2024, at approximately 3:16 p.m., a Silver City Police Department officer made contact with a 22-year-old female from Deming in reference to a fraud complaint. The female told the officer she contacted Dylan Johnson, 24, who appeared to be living in St. Cloud, Minnesota, about a residence she was interested in renting in Silver City that was advertised on Facebook.
According to an SCPD incident report, Johnson told the victim to call or text "2142642918," which she did. "Brenda" answered and told the victim she needs to apply for the residence, and pay an application fee of $120, along with an $850 deposit and a month's rent of $850.
By Mary Alice Murphy
[Editor's Note: This is the second and final of two articles on the June 25, 2024 Grant County Commission special meeting. It begins with a presentation and concludes with business that was approved.]
Marcus Cornwell introduced himself as the new Gila National Forest fire aviation and field staff officer after Gabe Holguin retired.
"I spent 20 years on HotShot crews across the West," Cornwell said. He said he ended up back in Silver City in 2010 and worked on local Hot Shot crews and then became the FMO (fire management officer) in December.
By Mary Alice Murphy
[Editor's Note: This is the first of two articles on the June 25, 2024 Grant County Commission special meeting. It begins with public input.]
The purpose of the June 25, 2024 Grant County Commission special meeting was to hear a presentation and consider agreements, resolutions and address consideration of a request for proposal for external auditor services.
After opening procedures came public input by several individuals opposed to and others in favor of wildlife damage management through the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services.
By Roger Lanse
A Santa Clara Police Department officer was called to the 400 block of Mineral Street around 3:13 p.m., on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, in reference to a disturbance. The manager of the Bayard Housing Authority, Jolene Dominguez, stated Joseph Russo, later determined to be 63, of Santa Clara, was creating a disturbance and not allowing the maintenance worker, Johnny Lopez Jr., 32, of Bayard, to perform the lawn work.
According to a Santa Clara Police Department incident report, Dominguez also stated that Russo hit Lopez in the stomach and had pushed a 72-year-old female while she was attempting to move her vehicle as requested by Lopez. Lopez confirmed both of Dominguez' accounts.
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Consolidated Schools held a work session and regular meeting, on August 19, 2024. Members in attendance Ashley Montenegro, Michelle Diaz (regular meeting), Patrick Cohn, Mike McMillan and Kimberly Klement. Superintendent William Hawkins also attended.
Work session
Cindy Barris, associate superintendent, had an end of the year report for the board. She had state test scores, and the milestones achieved. She presented the board with a lot of information and data she went over and had provided the documents to them also. She explained how to read the data and told them to email her with any questions.
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting August 12, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, Rudy Bencomo, Nicholas Prince, and Stan Snider.
The town of Silver City did a proclamation for the 150th year anniversary for Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church. Ladner read the proclamation, and it said the church had been dedicated to the service of God and humanity and to honor their commitment to the community. Originally services had been held at a warehouse at someone's private home. In 1874 they began the construction of the church, which has been a benefit to the community.
The roadway was reported cleared by 11 p.m. according to the notice from The New Mexico Department of Transportation.
As of a notice at 9:35, only the southbound lane is closed.
CRASH –Silver City Area
NM 15 "Pinos Altos Rd" is closed in both directions at milepost 2 due to a crash. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and watch for emergency personnel, and equipment. Please expect delays.
Two photo slideshows and article by Mary Alice Murphy
Two events were taking place today in Silver City that would continue tomorrow, Sunday, Sept.1, 2024.
The Silver City Art Association Red Dot Studio Tour featured 20 artists and their work.
Light Art Space, on Broadway, had a room presenting a sample of each artist's work, so that people could choose which galleries and studios to visit. The art included sculpture, oils, watercolors, fabric art, photography, metal work, pottery and mixed media.
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