World War II casualty PFC Richard G. Pitsor Reinterment

[Editor's Note: For more information on this event at Fort Bayard National Cemetery, please visit: ]

World War II prisoner of war PFC Richard G. Pitsor, who died after the Bataan Death March, is scheduled to arrive at the El Paso Airport April 24 at 11:44 a.m. Patriot Guard and American Legion Riders expect to be providing a motorcycle escort to Silver City when Baca's Funeral Home provides transport that afternoon. Transport is expected to leave the airport between 1:00 and 1:30 p.m.

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GRMC held Board of Trustees meeting 032024, part 3

[Editor's Note: This is the final article on the Gila Regional Board of Trustees meeting on March 20, 2024. It begins with the chief nursing officer report.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

The second report from Gila Regional Medical Center administration to the Board of Trustees at the March 20, 2024 meeting came from Chief Nursing Officer Ron Green.

Green said this year Nursing is bringing back the annual nursing staff skills fair, with about 20 educational stations, which range from centralized to blood transfusions. "Basically, it's a refresher course for skills that aren't used every day, but refreshes knowledge so we're ready to go when we need to. "

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Cobre parents and softball team stand for coach

By Lynn Janes

The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a regular meeting in the Cobre High School library on April 8, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, David Terrazas, Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia. Acting superintendent Michael Koury also attended.

Action Items

The council approved the agenda and moving public comment to after the action items, minutes from the previous meeting and a budget transfer.

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GRMC held Board of Trustees meeting 032024, part 2

[Editor's Note: This is the second of a potential several articles on the Gila Regional Board of Trustees meeting on March 20, 2024. It begins the reports and updates.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

At the Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees meeting on March 20, 2024, Chief Executive Officer Robert Whitaker presented board education. He noted the conditions of participation surround "our being accredited by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) as a health-care provider. So what are our conditions of participation? They involve health and safety guidelines that we share by improving quality and participation. In order for us to seek payment from the federal government, we must meet these conditions of participation. There is a 306-page manual for this. It's called the State Operations Manual.

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The Beat seeks your input

The Beat wants our readers' feedback.

The Grant County Beat will soon be upgrading the Beat’s website. It seems like a good idea now to learn from our readers what they read most often on the Beat. We would also like to hear your likes, dislikes, what additions you would like to see, as well as what subtractions you would prefer.

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Road and Travel Information Related to Tour of the Gila

TourOfTheGilaBrian Hodes/VeloImages/Courtesy of Tour of the Gila. Silver City, NM — For the 37th year, Tour of the Gila brings a world-class cycling event to Silver City. Race organizers are grateful for the local community’s support and invites all to come watch the races, which occur from Wednesday, April 24, through Sunday, April 28. To ensure a safe and positive experience for the athletes, volunteers and supporters, Tour of the Gila offers the following schedule detailing impacts to area roads and highways while the races are underway. Residents and visitors are encouraged to plan travel during race week accordingly. Any changes or updates to the schedule below will be posted online at

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Bayard Councilor Medina sets record straight.

By Lynn Janes

The town of Bayard held a special meeting April 2, 2024. Attendance included Mayor John L. Ojinaga, Mayor Pro Tem Eloy Medina, councilors, Frances Gonzales, Eloy Gonzales, and Gilbert Ortiz. Tanya Ortiz, deputy clerk, also attended.   

Public input 

[Editor’s Note: The topic of the first three presenters in public input refers to the proposal to rehire the former clerk/treasurer at a salary of $120,000.]

Steve Potts, a resident of Bayard, said they all had been voted in and entrusted to keep the city financially sound. He commented that the city did not have much income and Bayard has to run on a tight budget. A lot of people working for the city make less than what they should be paid. “When you look at bringing someone back you must look at their past performance. Maybe they left because of more money. You can’t offer more money than before. As a council you need to keep the budget.” The city must rely on volunteers because the residents have been told the city does not have any money. He said if you hire someone for that much money many people will be asking questions and may not be willing to do so much for free. 

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GRMC held Board of Trustees meeting 032024

[Editor's Note: This is the first of a potential several articles on the Gila Regional Board of Trustees meeting on March 20, 2024. It primarily covers the audit report.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Vice Chair Betty Vega led the meeting in the absence of Chair Dr. Fred Fox.

With no board comments or chair comments, Vega announced the recognitions. Although none of the recipients was present, Dr. Norman Ratliff received recognition for his 10 years of service as a cardiologist at Gila Regional. Kerri Henderson was recognized for her five years of service in nursing, and Meagan Kuehnlenz for five years of service in EMS (emergency medical services).

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