Gila National Forest celebrates 100 years of Gila Wilderness in 2024

The Gila is the birthplace of Wilderness

SILVER CITY, NM, January 2, 2024 – The Gila National Forest kicks off 2024 as a year of celebration of the world’s first Wilderness. The Gila Wilderness was designated on June 3, 1924. The forest will host events and observations honoring all that is wilderness, in recognition of the centennial anniversary of the Gila Wilderness.

“One hundred years ago, Aldo Leopold held with conviction that wilderness is a value unto itself and a precious resource to be protected. He also had the influence and power of persuasion to effect change,” said Gila National Forest Supervisor Camille Howes. “He argued for large swaths of land to be set aside for ecosystem function and recreation, where man is only a visitor. Convinced of his wisdom, the Southwestern Region of the Forest Service answered the call for protection by designating the Gila Wilderness.”

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Man with multiple warrants arrested

By Roger Lanse

As a Silver City Police Department officer was on the way to assist another officer with a traffic stop on Cecilia and Pine streets at about 2:17 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023, the officer noticed a white flatbed Ford truck parked in a bay of the carwash on Pine Street. According to a SCPD incident report, when the officer cleared the traffic stop about 30 minutes later, he and a Grant County Sheriff's Office deputy made contact with the driver of the Ford truck at the carwash. The driver stated his name was Carl Underwood and his birthdate was '6/17/74.' However, when officers checked with the Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority and with the Arizona and Texas Dispatch Authority's no record could be found with that name and birthdate.

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Bullet penetrates restaurant window

By Roger Lanse

On Friday, Dec. 22, 2023, Silver City Police Department officers were dispatched at about 8:09 p.m. to the La Familia restaurant in reference to a shooting call. The reporting person advised that someone had just shot through the window of the restaurant, almost hitting one of her employees. According to a SCPD incident report, when an officer arrived, he observed a hole in the east side window near the entrance the size of which was consistent with a bullet hole.

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Silver City appreciates Jose Ray's service

By Lynn Janes

The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting December 12, 2023. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, council members included Jose Ray, Nicholas Prince (phone), Guadalupe Cano, and Rudy Bencomo.

The council presented Ray with a plaque to commemorate his service and a jacket. He has served on the council from 2011 to 2023. Everyone who commented included the word, appreciation, when they spoke about Ray.

Bencomo thanked Ray for his service. "We don't always get gratitude from our citizens, but we appreciate what you have done. You have been a great friend and will be missed." He told Ray he would do his best to learn from what he had taught him.

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Silver Schools honor Eddie Flores's Service

By Lynn Janes

The Silver City Consolidated Schools held a work session and regular meeting on December 11, 2023. Members in attendance were Ashley Montenegro, Michelle Diaz, Patrick Cohn, Mike McMillan, and Eddie Flores. Superintendent William Hawkins also attended.

Work session

Dr. Gayle Juneau-Butler, Studor Education, gave the board an update on the status of the strategic plan they implemented about a year ago. The goal of the plan has been to improve leadership, culture and implement a strategy to improve the school system that has a clear objective and aligned.

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Hurley hears from the new CEO of GRMC

By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting December 12, 2023. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, councilors Nanette Day and Keana Huerta. Reynaldo Maynes didn't attend.

Municipal Judge Mateo Madrid attended to swear in Huerta as a Hurley councilor.

Mayor Stevens swore in Mateo Madrid as municipal judge.

Public input.

Mr. Thompson,, a new resident of Hurley, said he had lived all over and chose Hurley to move to. He just had a comment that it would be helpful to have a welcome package for new people that gave pertinent information such as when trash would be picked up. He said he had been very fortunate to have good neighbors that gave him information that he needed.

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