Monday, May 13

Domestic disturbance
Sanctuary Road – Pinos Altos
Blue Chevy Cruize/caller advised he hit her in the face and dragged her around/going down Pinos Altos Road to Arenas Valley/he is under the influence of both drugs and alcohol/caller refusing medical/a 3-year-old child is in the home as well.

Welfare check
Ventana de Sierra
Caller from GRMC advised an oncall physician has not answered his phone for the past hour/unknown last time he was spoken to.

Game and Fish
Rosedale and Thunder roads
Caller advised dead deer in roadway backing up traffic. Deputy advised deer removed from roadway.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
11732 E. Highway 180
Caller's window is broken. Deputy advised manager of the storage is the one who broke the window.

Dog bite
Shasta Street
Caller was bitten by a dog yesterday around 2 p.m./owner of the dog is a named male/caller went to the doctor yesterday.

Welfare check
Flury Lane and Mathers Road – Arenas Valley
Caller advised a male is dancing and yelling in the middle of the road/he is lying in the intersection. Deputy advised he is running down the middle of Flury Lane/one in protective custody en route to GRMC.

Suspicious vehicle
Wendy Road – 5:47 p.m.
Stated a vehicle went around his house around 10:30 a.m. Deputy set up frequent patrol for two weeks.

Domestic disturbance
Highway 61 – Lower Mimbres
Husband is intoxicated and destroying the house/may be leaving in a silver Dodge Ram/threatened to kill the cat and turned power off to the house/there are two kids in the home/he did not get physical with her.

Accident-property damage
Airport Road
Caller stated she saw a white Ford on its side/didn't see anyone around the vehicle. Deputy had contact with vehicle/all tires are good on the vehicle/wrecker enroute.

Tuesday, May 14

Mental health complaint
Cobre Street – Vanadium
Caller advised her 32-year-old son is walking around naked and will not get dressed/he is not in his right mind/he is arguing with her husband.

Main Street – North Hurley
Following vehicle to a disturbance in North Hurley/CTW issued to (redacted).

Accident-property damage
Rosedale Road and Mahogany Drive
Side by side vs 2012 white Toyota Camry. Deputy ran two driver's licenses/20-year-old male has a bloody nose.

Whispering Hills
Threatening phone calls. Deputy advised everything is okay.

Unwanted subject
N. Swan Street
Caller stated an unknown amount of subjects are on his father-in-law's property/they are not supposed to be there/wants them issued CTWs. Deputy advised clear from location/ATL for vehicle/negative contact with caller.

Welfare check
Ice machine and Central Avenue – Bayard
Female yelling and walking in the middle of the road. Deputy has contact/everything is okay/advised her to stay out of the road.

Weapons fired
Oakhurst Trail – Arenas Valley – 8:44 p.m.
10 shots a ridge over from caller's house. Deputy made contact with shooters/were advised of the time/had a good backstop/everything is okay.

11820 Highway 180
Male stole four bottles of alcohol and soda and ran toward the highway. Deputy had negative contact.

Wednesday, May 15

W. Cottonwood Street – Santa Clara
XCPD officer has one female in investigative detention.

Accident-property damage
Highway 15 – MM 24-25
Caller stated his friend was in an accident on Highway 15 on Sunday/did not make a report at that time due to having no service/needs a report for insurance purposes.

Thursday, May 16

Unwanted subject
Truck Bypass
Caller advised a bald man came on to her porch and she ran inside/door is locked. Deputy advised caller's grandson just recently cut his hair and she was not aware of it/everything is okay.

Welfare check
Chalcopyrite Court – Tyrone
Advised her neighbor has dementia and his vehicle has been running since last night at 8:30/a blue car.

Reckless driver
Highways 61 and 180
White Ford pickup driving toward Hurley. HPD officer went traffic with vehicle/deputy out with officer.

Welfare check
Gila Transfer Station
Caller advised she went to go throw her trash and stated three males were inside the building with the female clerk and she has never seen the males inside there. Deputy had negative contact with anyone at the transfer station.

Criminal trespass warning
Bell Street
Caller requests a CTW be issued to a named female who is not there right now. Deputy advised it will be a civil issue.

Domestic disturbance
Arenas Valley Road
15-year-old female throwing a tantrum. Deputies advised out at location.

Welfare check
Partridge Drive
Requesting welcheck on 2- and 3-year-old children/advised earlier when they were home the mother was upset with caller so she hit him with a pillow causing him to fall and hit his head on the ground/caller does not feel comfortable with his children there with her/advised he and his girlfriend also live there and she is trying to kick them out and threatening to throw out their belongings. Deputy advised everything is okay/both kids are happy and playing/no signs of . . .

Domestic disturbance
Highway 152 and Humbolt Mountain Road
Caller stated she got into an altercation with her boyfriend/does not want to give the boyfriend's name/caller stated she was going to go back and talk to her boyfriend. Deputy advised negative contact with vehicle or anyone.

Camino Serna Drive
Stated brother pulled a gun on him/caller advised he is in the bathroom with a knife/believes the brother is leaving/caller now arguing with his other brother.

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