DEMING – New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) works closely with the National Weather Service during the monsoon months, during this period, New Mexico experiences more rain and severe weather making travel difficult. Rainstorms in New Mexico can become severe quickly, so stay tuned to weather forecasts when planning your trip.

The NMDOT has prepared their personnel and equipment in efforts to support the need of law enforcement and emergency responders. The NMDOT will work in conjunction with emergency response as we coordinate our efforts with any possible traffic interferences that we may encounter.

Traffic updates will be posted on the NMDOT traffic advisory website at  as they are reported and can be retrieved through our automated system at 511 in state, or 1-800-432-4269.

Tips to know:


Road Conditions may make traveling the posted speed limit unsafe. If it is a highly rainy day, water may pool on the roads, which could cause hydroplaning if you travel too fast. 


Leave plenty of room between your vehicle and other vehicles during inclement weather.


Never enter any area that has been barricaded due to flooding. It is very dangerous (and costly) if you get stuck and need rescuing.Don’t try to drive on a road that is covered in water, turn around and find an alternate route.


Make sure others can see you on the road and that you can see the road by turning on your headlights.


If you find yourself in heavy winds, rain, or a dust storm, make sure you keep a strong grip on your vehicle to avoid swerving. If you feel you need to wait out the storm, pull aside as far off the roadway or shoulder area as possible. Turn off your lights and your engine and keep your foot off the brake pedal.  If other drivers see your brake lights, they may assume you are on the roadway.


Never use cruise control when the roads are slippery. Using your cruise control can reduce your control of the vehicle if your tires begin to skid or slip.


Storm runoff can loosen boulders and rocks, be alert and look out for falling rocks.


If traffic lights are out, treat the intersection like a four-way stop.


Highway safety is everyone’s responsibility. Do your part to keep yourself and fellow New Mexicans safe on the road.

The New Mexico Department of Transportation is committed to the safety of the traveling public and appreciates your cooperation with this closure. For updated information visit: New Mexico Department of Transportation at   or call 511.

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