Monday, July 8

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named female is refusing to leave/she is still in a room and has alcohol in her system/she has been discharged. Officer advised one female in unit en route to an A Street address.

Welfare check
The Commons – 6:39 a.m.
Female screaming under the bridge at the end of the street/caller has kids showing up at 10 a.m. Officer made contact with Sarah Flurry/she is getting her things together and leaving the area.

Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
A female is slumped over in a silver-blue Toyota van at the exit by the light/she is moving but can't keep her head up. Officer had contact with the female/everything is okay.

Unwanted subject
123 W. 12th Street
Male yelling/caller, store manager, wants him removed. Officers out with a named male/everything is okay.

Welfare check
E. 14th and N. Hudson streets
Female throwing her clothes onto the street and screaming like she is in crisis. Officer had contact with Sarah Flury at 13th and Hudson streets.

Welfare check
N. Gold Street
Caller advised whenever they go to see his father, they always tell caller the father is asleep and he hasn't been able to talk to him. Officer made contact/everything is okay.

Game and Fish
E. Highway 180 and Superior
Deer on eastbound side of road. Gila Skunk Removal retrieved the deer.

Suspicious vehicle
Visitor Center
Caller advised of a dark red Honda with no front bumper. Officers advised Edward Ramirez was issued a CTW for the Visitor Center.

Welfare check
Public Library
Female yelling in front. Officer advised out with Sarah Flurry/no longer yelling/she is going to clear.

Aggravated burglary
S. Highway 90
Caller advised someone broke in through the back door while he was on vacation/everything is missing. Officer had contact with a named male and a named female.

2045 E. Highway 180
Caller advised two men on bikes are asking for gas/caller asked them to leave/they refused/request CTWs be issued. Officer had contact on roadway in front of the Shell/everything is okay/spoke to all parties.

Unwanted subjects
306 E. 12th Street
Female not making sense when placing her order/caller from Dairy Queen wants her removed and issued a CTW. Officer advised female was Sara Flurry/she ordered/they will let her eat and she needs to leave after.

Criminal damage to property
Visitor Center
Water line was cut.

31st Street
Caller says someone is threatening to shoot at her house. Officer spoke to caller who advised her husband was told a named male was going to shoot up their house because of gang issues/received male's phone number/negative contact at this time/will follow-up later/had contact with male and he stated he . . .

Grant Street
Officer advised no report/requested just property back.

2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised she received a call two times saying he was going to cut up and kill her daughters. Officer had contact with caller.

Welfare check
Visitor Center
Male on a bike in traffic. GCSO deputy out with John Elizalde who said someone took his phone, but does not know who took it.

Penny Park
Group of about six subjects, male and female, in parking lot next to Skate Park. Officers request ambulance for 17-year-old male involved in altercations. EMS2 canceled by Fire/no patient contact. Officer advised one female in unit en route to Lintero Apartments/ CTWs issued to Avery Sandoval, James Ruble, and Tyler Ruble for two weeks to Penny and Skate parks.

Unwanted subjects
1105 E. Highway 180
Male in front of McDonald's who just cussed at his kids/spoke with manager who is requesting male be issued a CTW. Caller called back advising male already left on foot and needs him trespassed/he was being belligerent.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
A named male who is sitting on a bench outside is refusing to leave. Officer issued Frank Gomez a CTW for the next three weeks.

Tuesday, July 9

Unwanted subject
Paws for a Cause
Homeless man sleeping in the parking lot under the arbor/request he be moved.

Unwanted subject
Silver Street
A named male was at the edge of the property/he has done damage to caller's vehicle before. Officer had negative contact.

Welfare check
1618 E. Pine Street
Lady with a stroller crying outside the door. Caller from Cassie Healthcare just wants her checked on and if she doesn't need medical attention she can leave. Officer advised female says she has a 2 p.m. appointment.

Criminal trespass warning
Smart Style
Hair salon in the Walmart/wants to put a CTW on an individual.

Domestic disturbance
Mountain View Road
Happened a few minutes ago with a named male/he just left for work/it was physical/he took her phone and wouldn't let her call anyone. Officer out at Tractor Supply for follow-up.

Criminal trespass
N. Corbin Street
A named male is not supposed to be on the property/he is sitting on the stairs/he was evicted from this property. Officer had negative contact with individual/residence is secure.

Welfare check
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
A named female hasn't been to work for the past three days. Officer advised that SOS advised him they do not know a female by that name.

Unwanted subject
Gough Park
Male with no pants by the restrooms. Officer out with Frank Gomez/no charges at this time.

Unwanted subject
607 N. Hudson Street
Caller wants CTW on a named male who is on the property. Officer had negative contact.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
A named male is causing issues, being belligerent, and starting problems with other subjects. Negative on CTW just want male removed.

123 W. 12th Street
Two juvies stole a 4-pack of Twisted Tea/unknown direction of travel when they left/unknown state plate/white in color. Officer had negative contact with vehicle/Snappy Mart employee advised he recognized one of the juvies.

Unwanted subject
110 S. Bullard Street
Male is bothering customers/now walking behind Gospel Mission/want him issued a CTW/was also telling one of the customers he killed someone. CTW was issued to Jarred Chavez for Jalisco's.

Criminal damage to property
1313 E. 32nd Street
Caller from GRMC Security advised Med Pride was broken into but nothing was taken.

Unwanted subject
809 N. Hudson Street
Male sitting outside refusing to leave/has all of his (?) thrown out on the table/was being aggressive toward caller when she was there/want him issued a CTW. Michael Lucero was issued an indefinite CTW for Hudson Chevron.

Domestic disturbance
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
Heard two children screaming/then could hear a woman yelling to get out/then a male saying no/then caller saw male hitting the female in the doorway in front of the kids/then male closed the door. Officer has Nick Madrid in custody.

Criminal trespass warning
1040 E. Highway 180
Male has been causing issues and harassing guests/he is no longer there/he is not a guest of the motel. Officer ran driver's license/male is okay.

Wednesday, July 10

Suspicious vehicle
1201 Pope Street
Small black 4dr car in parking lot. Officer did walk-around/all is okay.

Unwanted subject
200 W. Broadway
Male who took a motorcycle cover off a motorcycle staying at the Murray/male is asleep at the entrance area. Officer out with Kevin Matthew Fox/clear for warrants/has a re-issued CTW from May 2023/property was recovered.

Silver Consolidated Schools – 2810 N. Swan Street
Theft at central office/computers/no damage to building/unknown if someone broke in.

Welfare check
Highway 90 – Hudson Bridge
Three boys on bicycles riding and doing tricks on the road. Officer advised they are on the sidewalk.

Welfare check
Gough Park
Officer – Michael Lucero.

Game & Fish
Ben Altamirano Sports Complex
Dead deer at west end of soccer field. Advised just dropped deer off at the dump.

S. Arizona Street
A named 72-year-old male is being violent toward caller/he suffers from mental health and is refusing medical attention. Officer advised everything is okay/he just doesn't want to go to the doctor.

Unwanted subject
1315 N. Hudson Street
Caller wants a named female who is still inside the store issued a CTW. Officer issued Sara Flurry the CTW.

Welfare check
N. Bullard Street
Male just yelling. Officer had contact with Frank at Adobe Springs.

S. Highway 90
Caller advised a named male is at the house and he is not supposed to be there/caller just brought the male's father home from the hospital with a broken hip/caller just wants LE to check and make sure he is not outside. Officers ATL and running three license plates.

N. Bennett Street
Caller advised a short female in her 30s with baggy clothes stole tools and other items off a worksite/caller did get the tools back but other items are missing. Officer ATL.

Unwanted subject
N. Corbin Street
Female doing narcotics in back of building on the steps. Officer out with Bryiza Rodriguez. Call caller and advise items have been located/will return them shortly.

Criminal trespass warning
1301 N. Swan Street – Knights of Columbus
Several subjects on the property/they were asked to leave the property and they refused/want them issued CTWs/wanting foot patrols around building during the night due to issues with homeless subjects. Officer advised everything is okay/negative contact.

Penny Park – 10:39 p.m.
Grandson called caller stating he was jumped at the park by one named male. Officers advised grandson advised he is at Penny Park/en route to Penny Park/request ambulance for 18-year-old male with cut on his lip after being involved in an altercation.

Thursday, July 11

Welfare check
3001 S. Highway 90 – 2:14 a.m.
Caller calling from Oregon advised his grandmother has been driving around all day and has been parked in this location since 11:19 p.m. Caller is trying to get her home to Roswell/caller describes vehicle as a blue Ford Fiesta/grandmother was supposed to stay at the Holiday Inn.

Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
Royall Drive
Caller advised that last night she got in an argument with her sister, and she threw a rock at caller's front windshield causing damage. Officer advised en route to caller's residence for follow-up.

2501 E. Highway 180
Two females fighting by customer service. Multiple calls. Female leaving in a tan single-cab/she had blood on her face. Bayard PD officer went traffic with one female at Highway 180 and Racetrack Road in Arenas Valley/other female called in.

412 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advised she parked at the dispensary and now the homeowners next to them have them blocked in and are causing a disturbance/both parties are separated at this time. Officer advised verbal only over parking space.

123 W. 12th Street
Needs a female removed and issued (?). Officer advised to put out an ATL for Sarah Cyrus to re-issue CTW.

Unwanted subject
Gough Park
Caller advised a female is yelling near the benches/cussing and speaking to people who are not there/wants her to move along as a children's program is happening at this time. Officer out with a named male (another subject – Ed.)/who is clear of warrants/did a walk-through/everything is okay.

Domestic disturbance
San Vicente Street
Sister pushed their father down and now walking around with a knife/headed toward the Gospel Mission/father doesn't need an ambulance. Caller was told to call if she returns. Officer ran two driver's licenses.

Criminal trespass warning
Visitor Center
Caller, who is the owner of VC, advised a female who has a CTW is at the bus stop. Caller advised there is also "too many people" and it is "weird energy." Officer out with Shannon Meath who has a CTW issued April 2024, and a named male/everyone has left.

2260 E. Highway 180
Between two men/one hit another while sitting on the bench. Caller advised they are no longer fighting, and no one appears to need medical attention, and no one is asking for LE. Officer made contact with the named victim, and he didn't want to make a complaint.

Welfare check
Sheriff's Posse Road
Caller left a named 90-year-old male about 15 minutes ago from taking him food and he isn't answering his phone.

Welfare check
W. Alice and S. Texas streets
Female wrapped in a blanket started yelling at caller/now stating subject is bald and is unsure if male or female. Officer had negative contact.

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